I'm pretty sure the next 10 days or so are going to be crazy busy, I thought I would post now while I still had the time. We will be heading home sometime in the next few days (depending on this crazy weather situation), and I will remain there until after Jess & Nick's wedding next week. Craig will come back to Lincoln for a few days to work next week. I'm so looking forward to the time at home with family and friends, but I know by the time we are all back in Lincoln and everything is over I will be one exhausted pregnant lady.
While we're away we will hit a big milestone (to me) in the pregnancy. We will hit the 6 month mark. Seriously! Is it just me, or has time flown by?!? Baby M has been kicking more and more these days. So far it doesn't hurt or anything. It actually makes me feel better because at least to me it means Baby M is doing just fine in there. Craig is still trying to feel it, I think he has but he just doesn't know it yet. He needs a little more patience!
I want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas! I hope you all make it where you're going safe and sound! Also, Happy New Year as we are booked until mid-January! We have so much to be thankful for in 2009, and so far 2010 is shaping up to be the best year yet! We have so much to look forward to. I can't wait!
the Mencke's
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Happy Birthday Mom!
I forgot to add to my other post...Happy Birthday Mom! (No, I didn't forget about it, I've talked to her twice today.) I just wanted to give her another shout-out via the Internet! I hope it's a great one, Mom!
23 Weeks!
Technically, we hit 23 weeks tomorrow, but I decided I'd post tonight. We had our monthly check-up today. Everything is still looking good! Baby's heartbeat was in the 140 range and I'm measuring right on target at 23. Next appointment, I have the dreaded glucose screening to check for gestational diabetes. I have a bottle of glucola chilling in my fridge for the next month. Let's hope I pass...I've heard horror stories about the 3 hour version! For all of you that don't see me regularly, I thought you might like a visual of the baby bump. It seems to get getting bigger and bigger every day!

You may notice the green walls behind me...yes, this is the nursery in progress! The painting is done! I really love the color. Here's a few more pictures:

As you can see, we have our crib. We have yet to put it together. It may not be assembled until after the holidays/wedding. That's all right, we have plenty of time! Speaking of the holidays and wedding, can you believe that Christmas is next week already and the wedding in 2. Yikes! It's going to be a crazy couple of weeks around here. I'm looking forward to it, it should be lots of fun!
Oh, and just for fun! Here's a picture of Izzy and I . She loves to be in the middle of things. She also is very interested in the new green room! I seriously think she knows something "BIG" is going on. I'm so excited to see her and her new sibling interact. It should be quite entertaining!

Well, now that you've all "seen" me, we can start taking bets on the gender of the little one. Any guesses? Leave us a comment if you feel up to the challenge!
You may notice the green walls behind me...yes, this is the nursery in progress! The painting is done! I really love the color. Here's a few more pictures:
As you can see, we have our crib. We have yet to put it together. It may not be assembled until after the holidays/wedding. That's all right, we have plenty of time! Speaking of the holidays and wedding, can you believe that Christmas is next week already and the wedding in 2. Yikes! It's going to be a crazy couple of weeks around here. I'm looking forward to it, it should be lots of fun!
Oh, and just for fun! Here's a picture of Izzy and I . She loves to be in the middle of things. She also is very interested in the new green room! I seriously think she knows something "BIG" is going on. I'm so excited to see her and her new sibling interact. It should be quite entertaining!
Well, now that you've all "seen" me, we can start taking bets on the gender of the little one. Any guesses? Leave us a comment if you feel up to the challenge!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Well, ready or not, winter is here! We are all but snowed in, and personally I'm kinda enjoying it. It sounds like tomorrow may be even worse as 40mph winds are supposed to kick in soon! Yikes! I'm really not looking forward to getting out and about into it. Because of this wonderful snow storm we are having, Craig decided to breakdown and get a snow blower. After 4 stops, his latest "homeowner toy" was his. I really think he had fun dealing with the snow tonight. He even asked if I thought he'd have to do it again tonight. I thought that was pretty funny! Honestly, he probably will!
Izzy isn't enjoying the snow much. We had to clear a path from the deck to the backyard, so she could have an easier time with bathroom breaks! Craig tried to get her to play a little in the snow tonight...poor thing, the snow comes up to her belly, so she had serious trouble running! She looks like a deer leaping and bounding through the snow. It works better than running right now. She was shivering when they came in! I'm thinking it's time for a puppy parka!
Me and baby are trying to stay in and warm as much as we can. The little munchkin has been kicking me a lot these past few days. I'm hoping Craig will get to feel it soon! I spent the afternoon at home cleaning the house, doing laundry, and baking my birthday cake! I'm looking forward to enjoying a piece later.
Craig is putting the final coat on the nursery walls as I type, so pictures to come soon! Apple 5 looks great...very green! I think we can officially call it a success after so many color failures. It's getting more and more real around here every day!
Izzy isn't enjoying the snow much. We had to clear a path from the deck to the backyard, so she could have an easier time with bathroom breaks! Craig tried to get her to play a little in the snow tonight...poor thing, the snow comes up to her belly, so she had serious trouble running! She looks like a deer leaping and bounding through the snow. It works better than running right now. She was shivering when they came in! I'm thinking it's time for a puppy parka!
Me and baby are trying to stay in and warm as much as we can. The little munchkin has been kicking me a lot these past few days. I'm hoping Craig will get to feel it soon! I spent the afternoon at home cleaning the house, doing laundry, and baking my birthday cake! I'm looking forward to enjoying a piece later.
Craig is putting the final coat on the nursery walls as I type, so pictures to come soon! Apple 5 looks great...very green! I think we can officially call it a success after so many color failures. It's getting more and more real around here every day!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
One Week Later
We are sitting here tonight thinking..."wow, we were already home for Thanksgiving a week ago tonight!" Now, we're exhausted and back home in the middle of another work week. Last weekend was long, fast, and exhausting. We had a great time catching up with family we hardly ever see, and enjoying lots and lots of good food! Izzy had a great time playing with the kids and running all over the farm. She is finally starting to act like herself again...she was one absolutely worn out pup!
This week we are focusing on the next big things approaching in the coming weeks! We headed home early Sunday so we could get the Christmas lights up before the Chiefs game. They are up and shining bright. I hope we're not annoying our neighbors...these new LED lights are pretty serious! I do think it looks good! Craig had to climb clear up on the roof to hang some of them. I was also able to get the Christmas tree up and decorated on Sunday. I think it looks good...now it just needs a few packages under it!
Tonight, we selected and purchased paint for the nursery. Apple 5 Laura Ashley Home by Valspar from Lowes to be exact. This is the 3rd option of green we have looked at. Craig plans to paint the room this weekend while I am home in Tekamah throwing Jessica's Bachelorette Party. I'm excited to see how it all turns out! Isn't it nice of him to offer to do this "chore" while I'm out of town at a party?!? Obviously, I will post pictures of the progress next week...unless the color turns out totally awful!
Well, that's all for now folks! Oh...exciting this week I am feeling the little one kick me more and more often. At least once a day for the last week! It's pretty exciting. I hope Craig will be able to feel it soon!
This week we are focusing on the next big things approaching in the coming weeks! We headed home early Sunday so we could get the Christmas lights up before the Chiefs game. They are up and shining bright. I hope we're not annoying our neighbors...these new LED lights are pretty serious! I do think it looks good! Craig had to climb clear up on the roof to hang some of them. I was also able to get the Christmas tree up and decorated on Sunday. I think it looks good...now it just needs a few packages under it!
Tonight, we selected and purchased paint for the nursery. Apple 5 Laura Ashley Home by Valspar from Lowes to be exact. This is the 3rd option of green we have looked at. Craig plans to paint the room this weekend while I am home in Tekamah throwing Jessica's Bachelorette Party. I'm excited to see how it all turns out! Isn't it nice of him to offer to do this "chore" while I'm out of town at a party?!? Obviously, I will post pictures of the progress next week...unless the color turns out totally awful!
Well, that's all for now folks! Oh...exciting this week I am feeling the little one kick me more and more often. At least once a day for the last week! It's pretty exciting. I hope Craig will be able to feel it soon!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Well, here we are a few short hours from kicking off the big Thanksgiving weekend! We are all packed and ready to roll after work tonight. We are heading north up to the farm. Craig's brother and family are scheduled to arrive later this evening. We're pretty excited about this, as we haven't seen them since July (pre-pregnancy). Izzy is also excited because she loves playing with the kiddos.
The weekend will be busy, but lots of fun I'm sure. We will have the traditional Thanksgiving dinner with my family in Tekamah. I'm so looking forward to that meal. I have been seriously craving comfort foods lately, and what's more comforting than Thanksgiving dinner!
I think my mom and I may venture to Omaha for some Black Friday shopping! I'm hoping we can score some sweet deals! I'm also hoping we may stumble upon some baby specials! My goal is to have all my holiday shopping done by my birthday...that's only about 2 weeks away!
Sometime over the weekend we are celebrating the Mencke family Christmas, since Brent & Buffye will not be back for Christmas. This means that half of my holiday shopping is done, wrapped, and packed! I think this is completely crazy as I don't even have a Christmas tree up yet! I'm hoping that we'll be back early enough on Sunday to maybe tackle that!
Oh, and today is my baby brother's 19th birthday! Happy Birthday Uncle Chip! I can't believe that he is 19 already...where has the time gone. I still remember the day he was born. Wow, this makes me feel old! We will be celebrating his birthday on Thanksgiving, which will just add to the fun festivities!
We want to wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving! Obviously, we have so much to be thankful for this year! This time of year is a perfect opportunity to count our blessings, and we are just that...blessed!
The weekend will be busy, but lots of fun I'm sure. We will have the traditional Thanksgiving dinner with my family in Tekamah. I'm so looking forward to that meal. I have been seriously craving comfort foods lately, and what's more comforting than Thanksgiving dinner!
I think my mom and I may venture to Omaha for some Black Friday shopping! I'm hoping we can score some sweet deals! I'm also hoping we may stumble upon some baby specials! My goal is to have all my holiday shopping done by my birthday...that's only about 2 weeks away!
Sometime over the weekend we are celebrating the Mencke family Christmas, since Brent & Buffye will not be back for Christmas. This means that half of my holiday shopping is done, wrapped, and packed! I think this is completely crazy as I don't even have a Christmas tree up yet! I'm hoping that we'll be back early enough on Sunday to maybe tackle that!
Oh, and today is my baby brother's 19th birthday! Happy Birthday Uncle Chip! I can't believe that he is 19 already...where has the time gone. I still remember the day he was born. Wow, this makes me feel old! We will be celebrating his birthday on Thanksgiving, which will just add to the fun festivities!
We want to wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving! Obviously, we have so much to be thankful for this year! This time of year is a perfect opportunity to count our blessings, and we are just that...blessed!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Here are the pics from the ultrasound! The little squirt was wiggling all around and playing peek-a-boo the whole time, with the little hands covering the face most of the time. We did manage to get a few good pictures!
Here's a profile picture of the face!

Here a picture looking down at both arms, flailing about!

Here's a picture of the head and body! She estimated the little one weighs about 9oz right now!

Here's a shot of the spinal cord!

Finally, this is the feet, well at least one of them! Look at the cute little toes!

So, it's been a pretty exciting day here for the Mencke family! Baby and Mom both checked out fine, so we're good to go for another 4 weeks! Oh, and Dad's pretty smitten with the baby pics...he's scanned them, printed them, uploaded them, and text them to everyone! It's pretty cute! Oh, and Uncle Chip has already been over to see the pictures in person! It's getting more and more real everyday!
Here's a profile picture of the face!

Here a picture looking down at both arms, flailing about!

Here's a picture of the head and body! She estimated the little one weighs about 9oz right now!

Here's a shot of the spinal cord!

Finally, this is the feet, well at least one of them! Look at the cute little toes!

So, it's been a pretty exciting day here for the Mencke family! Baby and Mom both checked out fine, so we're good to go for another 4 weeks! Oh, and Dad's pretty smitten with the baby pics...he's scanned them, printed them, uploaded them, and text them to everyone! It's pretty cute! Oh, and Uncle Chip has already been over to see the pictures in person! It's getting more and more real everyday!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
The Latest
Well, tomorrow is our big ultrasound! We are both really excited about it. No...we are still not finding out if it's a boy or a girl. Both of us are still thinking we're on "team pink", but we'll find out for sure in April. I'm still feeling pretty good other than some headaches. This is becoming a daily occurrence it seems. I plan to mention it to the MD tomorrow just to be sure it's ok, as most things say headaches are more common in the 1st and 3rd trimesters. I am also scheduled for an H1N1 vaccine on Thursday, so that will make the grandparents feel better!

The first two will be either sides of the bumper, the third will be the sheet, the stripes will be the skirt, and the orange will be the piping and ties.

Now, we're trying to figure out what color to paint. We have white furniture and the room itself gets a lot of sunlight. I'm having a hard time finding something i like. The actual fabric colors are a little more dark (not as bright) as the pictures show. I'm starting to lean toward a two color combo with a chair rail or painted stripe as a divider. Any suggestions would be most appreciated!
In other news, Izzy has her yearly shots last week. Craig said she handled them like a champ, but she was sure worn out that evening. I'm glad she won't have to get any more for a while. She is up to 23.3 pounds...hard to believe when she started at about 7lbs when we got her. Funny story from a few nights ago...I dozed off watching some TV in bed before bedtime and woke up to Izzy scratching my belly--which was hanging out. It didn't hurt, just startled me. I'm not sure if she was trying to communicated with her future sibling or what, but it made me laugh!
We have an exciting next week or so planned. Obviously, the first big thing is the ultrasound/doctor's appointment tomorrow. This weekend we are headed down to KC for the Chiefs game. Craig works with a company down there that has offered us two tickets. It will be nice to get away for a day. Izzy will be spoiled here as Uncle Chip is coming to hang out with her! After than we're back to work for two days and then home for the Thanksgiving holiday. Craig's brother and family have decided to head east for Thanksgiving this year and stay home for Christmas, so we will also be celebrating the Christmas holiday with them while they are back. This will most likely be the only time we see them throughout the pregnancy, so I'm really looking forward to it. Oh, and we really miss those kids so we are always excited to see them...so is Izzy!
I'll post more after tomorrow's appointment, so that's it for now!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Preparing for the Holiday Season
Well, the craziness of the holiday season is already upon us! We kick off about 10 week straight of various functions this weekend with a couples shower for Jess and Nick. Their wedding is only around 50 days away! Yikes! I'm really looking forward it!
Thanksgiving is only two weeks away with Christmas right around the corner. I have been lucky enough to get a recent jump on my holiday shopping! My goal is to have it all done by my birthday, so we'll see!
We have our first daycare interview tomorrow evening. I'm pretty nervous about it. It's such a big deal, I'm afraid we'll miss something or forget to ask something. I'm hoping we just "know" in our guts and our hearts, so that we can make the best decision. The lady tomorrow sounds very promising, but I'm trying really hard not to get my hopes up!
Also on the baby front, we have (I have) picked the fabric out for our crib bedding. My super awesome co-worker/seamstress extraordinaire Kaitlyn has generously volunteered (along with her equally as awesome mother, Peg) to make our crib bedding for us. I'm so excited about it and grateful! So, now that we have selected the fabric, we are hunting for just the right paint color. So far, I'm not really loving our options, so we'll just have to keep looking! Good thing we have a few months!
We had some house guests last weekend! My parents decided to make a road trip down to Lincoln to stay with us on Saturday. It was nice to have them here. They were dog-sitting for Jess, so Cruzan also made the trip down. Izzy liked having her cousin come for a visit. The two of them enjoyed some backyard time while the weather was nice!
Well, that's about it for now! Wish us luck tomorrow as the hunt for daycare begins!
Thanksgiving is only two weeks away with Christmas right around the corner. I have been lucky enough to get a recent jump on my holiday shopping! My goal is to have it all done by my birthday, so we'll see!
We have our first daycare interview tomorrow evening. I'm pretty nervous about it. It's such a big deal, I'm afraid we'll miss something or forget to ask something. I'm hoping we just "know" in our guts and our hearts, so that we can make the best decision. The lady tomorrow sounds very promising, but I'm trying really hard not to get my hopes up!
Also on the baby front, we have (I have) picked the fabric out for our crib bedding. My super awesome co-worker/seamstress extraordinaire Kaitlyn has generously volunteered (along with her equally as awesome mother, Peg) to make our crib bedding for us. I'm so excited about it and grateful! So, now that we have selected the fabric, we are hunting for just the right paint color. So far, I'm not really loving our options, so we'll just have to keep looking! Good thing we have a few months!
We had some house guests last weekend! My parents decided to make a road trip down to Lincoln to stay with us on Saturday. It was nice to have them here. They were dog-sitting for Jess, so Cruzan also made the trip down. Izzy liked having her cousin come for a visit. The two of them enjoyed some backyard time while the weather was nice!
Well, that's about it for now! Wish us luck tomorrow as the hunt for daycare begins!
Friday, October 30, 2009
First Big Purchase

Well, we made our first big baby purchase today! We ordered our crib! We hadn't planned on doing this quite so soon, but it was on sale this week so we got a great deal! Now, we have more motivation to get to work cleaning out the closet in the nursery. We really need to quit stalling with that chore. So, this is it...this is the crib! We decided to go with white since we already have a bookshelf & dresser in white that we can use in the nursery! I think it will look great with green walls, don't you?!? My goal is to have the room painted by Christmas...we'll see! I'll post before & after photos of the nursery process.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
The Latest
It's been a while since I've posted. I'm not really sure why, but all is good here! We are now 15 1/2 weeks along with the baby. We get more and more excited about everything each day! It's good that time is flying by. It also helps that there are plenty of things going on these days to keep us busy!
We have had 2 doctors appointments now. We heard the little one's heartbeat at both appointments. According to the doctor it was around 160-170 bpm. I'm still feeling really good. I'm starting to get a little energy back, and I have more of an appetite. My doctor says I have actually lost a few pounds. I think that's a little funny considering I haven't been sick thus far in the pregnancy, but I have definitely been eating less. Mostly, because nothing sounds good!
We did have a bit of a set back last week. I got the flu, or something just like it. I actually spent 3+ days in bed. I only got up to shower (every other day), go to the bathroom, or get something to drink. It was ridiculous. I never remember being sick like that before. I definitely think I had the flu of some kind. I did have the seasonal flu shot in early September, so I suppose it could have been the dreaded H1N1 as I haven't gotten that vaccine yet. Izzy took care of me those days while Craig was at work! She's a great snuggle buddy!
We have scheduled our next doctor's appointment for November 18th. We are really looking
forward to that one as we will get to see the little one that day on an ultrasound! We are still going to have a surprise as far as gender goes, and wait until he or she is born to find out. I'm still thinking it's a girl, but time will tell!
Jessica & Nick's wedding events kicked off today. We had the Hassler Family Pampered Chef Shower. It was nice to see the family! It was also nice since I was the PC rep, so I made a little something! Their next shower is back home in a few weeks! That one will be fun I'm sure! After that the holidays start with the bachelor & bachelorette parties thrown in the middle for fun! I'm really looking forward to the wedding!
We have had 2 doctors appointments now. We heard the little one's heartbeat at both appointments. According to the doctor it was around 160-170 bpm. I'm still feeling really good. I'm starting to get a little energy back, and I have more of an appetite. My doctor says I have actually lost a few pounds. I think that's a little funny considering I haven't been sick thus far in the pregnancy, but I have definitely been eating less. Mostly, because nothing sounds good!
We did have a bit of a set back last week. I got the flu, or something just like it. I actually spent 3+ days in bed. I only got up to shower (every other day), go to the bathroom, or get something to drink. It was ridiculous. I never remember being sick like that before. I definitely think I had the flu of some kind. I did have the seasonal flu shot in early September, so I suppose it could have been the dreaded H1N1 as I haven't gotten that vaccine yet. Izzy took care of me those days while Craig was at work! She's a great snuggle buddy!
We have scheduled our next doctor's appointment for November 18th. We are really looking
forward to that one as we will get to see the little one that day on an ultrasound! We are still going to have a surprise as far as gender goes, and wait until he or she is born to find out. I'm still thinking it's a girl, but time will tell!
Jessica & Nick's wedding events kicked off today. We had the Hassler Family Pampered Chef Shower. It was nice to see the family! It was also nice since I was the PC rep, so I made a little something! Their next shower is back home in a few weeks! That one will be fun I'm sure! After that the holidays start with the bachelor & bachelorette parties thrown in the middle for fun! I'm really looking forward to the wedding!
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Well, yesterday was an exciting day for me. I made my first official baby purchase. It wasn't anything big, just a few little outfits. Jill & I hit up a local consignment sale full of baby things. We only bought clothes, but it was still a lot of fun. I hadn't bought anything specifically for the baby yet, so I think it's sort of a big deal.
I also spent my first night alone in our house since we've lived here. It wasn't the best night's sleep, but it wasn't as bad as I thought it might be. I didn't get all freaked out or anything, so I'm kinda proud of myself. However, I won't be doing it again for a while I hope. Oh, and having Izzy here with me definitely helped!
I think that both Craig and I are really starting to get excited about this next chapter in our lives. Not that we weren't excited before, but it's getting more real. I have about 1 more week in the first trimester, so I'm looking forward to that. We have started researching the big ticket baby things...travel systems, cribs, etc. It's unbelievable how much stuff babies "need". Yikes!
I also spent my first night alone in our house since we've lived here. It wasn't the best night's sleep, but it wasn't as bad as I thought it might be. I didn't get all freaked out or anything, so I'm kinda proud of myself. However, I won't be doing it again for a while I hope. Oh, and having Izzy here with me definitely helped!
I think that both Craig and I are really starting to get excited about this next chapter in our lives. Not that we weren't excited before, but it's getting more real. I have about 1 more week in the first trimester, so I'm looking forward to that. We have started researching the big ticket baby things...travel systems, cribs, etc. It's unbelievable how much stuff babies "need". Yikes!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Babies, Babies, & More Babies
Well, I mentioned in my last post that two of my very best friends (Amanda & Jill) are also expecting their first babies! They are both due in early February. I also have a cousin and his wife (Scott & Sara) who are expecting their second the same week! The first week of February is going to be crazy! I'm just guessing they will all deliver very close to each other (time wise)whenever a February snow storm blows through Lincoln & Omaha! The hardest part for me will be deciding who to visit & spoil first! I may just have to flip a coin!
We also just found out this week that Craig's cousin and her husband are expecting their first baby a couple weeks before us! We are soooo excited for them! They have been trying for quite some time and dealing with various issues, so this is a true blessing! I'm not sure what "method" finally worked for the, but I am so glad it did! Congrats Amie & Jeff!
The best part about all of this of course is our little one already has a handful of friends his/her age! I can't wait to see all of them together...it's going to be a fun spring!
Oh, my husband is becoming obsessed with baby names. I think it's totally adorable, of course, but our lists just keep getting longer & longer. At what point do we stop, and start narrowing the lists down? Oh, and he asked when we can start painting the nursery the other night...I think Daddy's starting to get excited! I couldn't be happier! Now, figuring out how we're going to pay for all this...
I'm still feeling the same...TTTTIIIIIRRRREEEDDD! All the time! But, I don't feel any more queasy, so I'm thankful for that. I had a pretty bad headache on Saturday. Luckily, I didn't have anything planned, so Izzy & I hung out on the coach and watched the horrible Husker game! I also feel like my belly is huge, and I really don't think it should be at this point. I know I wasn't stick-skinny at all before all this, but seriously it's kinda out there! I feel like I'm "bigger" than my friends who are 2 months further along than me...WTF? They could tell from hearing the heartbeat if there were two in there, couldn't they?!? Yikes!
Oh, and Craig's other cousin Mark will be back to the US from Iraq in 2 weeks! He's been over there since April, so everybody is excited for him to come home safely! He graduated with my sister and grew up across the street from us, so I've known him for a long time! I wonder if he knows his family has expanded by 2 little ones while he was gone!
Nick's (my sister's fiance) brother, Brandon, will be back in December. He's been in Afganistan since May. He'll make it home just in time for their wedding...everybody is anxiously waiting for that! Oh, and the wedding is only about 3 months away! Yay!
We also just found out this week that Craig's cousin and her husband are expecting their first baby a couple weeks before us! We are soooo excited for them! They have been trying for quite some time and dealing with various issues, so this is a true blessing! I'm not sure what "method" finally worked for the, but I am so glad it did! Congrats Amie & Jeff!
The best part about all of this of course is our little one already has a handful of friends his/her age! I can't wait to see all of them together...it's going to be a fun spring!
Oh, my husband is becoming obsessed with baby names. I think it's totally adorable, of course, but our lists just keep getting longer & longer. At what point do we stop, and start narrowing the lists down? Oh, and he asked when we can start painting the nursery the other night...I think Daddy's starting to get excited! I couldn't be happier! Now, figuring out how we're going to pay for all this...
I'm still feeling the same...TTTTIIIIIRRRREEEDDD! All the time! But, I don't feel any more queasy, so I'm thankful for that. I had a pretty bad headache on Saturday. Luckily, I didn't have anything planned, so Izzy & I hung out on the coach and watched the horrible Husker game! I also feel like my belly is huge, and I really don't think it should be at this point. I know I wasn't stick-skinny at all before all this, but seriously it's kinda out there! I feel like I'm "bigger" than my friends who are 2 months further along than me...WTF? They could tell from hearing the heartbeat if there were two in there, couldn't they?!? Yikes!
Oh, and Craig's other cousin Mark will be back to the US from Iraq in 2 weeks! He's been over there since April, so everybody is excited for him to come home safely! He graduated with my sister and grew up across the street from us, so I've known him for a long time! I wonder if he knows his family has expanded by 2 little ones while he was gone!
Nick's (my sister's fiance) brother, Brandon, will be back in December. He's been in Afganistan since May. He'll make it home just in time for their wedding...everybody is anxiously waiting for that! Oh, and the wedding is only about 3 months away! Yay!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Our family is growing...
Yes! That's right, the Mencke family is getting a new addition this spring! We are expecting our first little one around April 15th! We are so excited and feel truly blessed!
We are 10 weeks along, and so far so good! Craig says I'm crabby (and I know I am sometimes), but that's all part of it! So far, my chief complaints are that I am SOOOOO tired all the time and I have been having migraines again! I had mono in high school, and this is about 100 times worse. It doesn't matter if I sleep for 12 hours at night, I am still a zombie by mid-afternoon! I have also had more migraines again. Luckily the really bad ones have hit on the weekends, but I have some sort of a headache every couple days. My doctor says that this should get better in a few weeks...we are crossing our fingers! I feel a little queasy once in a while...typically in the evenings, but so far the "morning" sickness hasn't been too bad!
We went to our first doctor's appointment on Monday this week, and that was pretty cool! After all the poking & prodding, we got to hear the baby's heartbeat! It was very cool! It made it all a little more "real" for us! My doctor was pleased with everything, and we will go back in 4 weeks!
Both of our families have been great! Everyone is so supportive & excited! I'm getting the most amusement thus far out of my siblings, who have been dying with this secret for 3 weeks! Our family isn't good with lying or secrets, so this has been tough on them! One of the many things I'm looking forward to is to see how everybody interacts with this baby! It should be quite entertaining!
I think Izzy knows too! Some say dogs can sense it, and I totally agree! She has been very cuddly and sweet with me. I can't wait to see what she does with the little one! I'm sure she will be the baby's protector, and absolutely adore her new sibling! Izzy was our way of telling our immediate family & friends! We ordered a doggie t-shirt for her online that said "I'm not supposed to say anything, but...Mommy's having a baby!" It's pretty cute, and whenever we put it on her it's almost like she knows she's wearing big news! She gets all crazy & excited!
So enough rambling for now, but check back often because we have lots to share these days!
Oh, and we won't be fining out the gender, so name suggestions (both ways) will be appreciated & considered!
Oh again, my two best girlfriends are also expecting their first babies (both in February), and I couldn't be more excited to share this crazy experience with them! I know I will appreciate them more and more the further into this I get!
We are 10 weeks along, and so far so good! Craig says I'm crabby (and I know I am sometimes), but that's all part of it! So far, my chief complaints are that I am SOOOOO tired all the time and I have been having migraines again! I had mono in high school, and this is about 100 times worse. It doesn't matter if I sleep for 12 hours at night, I am still a zombie by mid-afternoon! I have also had more migraines again. Luckily the really bad ones have hit on the weekends, but I have some sort of a headache every couple days. My doctor says that this should get better in a few weeks...we are crossing our fingers! I feel a little queasy once in a while...typically in the evenings, but so far the "morning" sickness hasn't been too bad!
We went to our first doctor's appointment on Monday this week, and that was pretty cool! After all the poking & prodding, we got to hear the baby's heartbeat! It was very cool! It made it all a little more "real" for us! My doctor was pleased with everything, and we will go back in 4 weeks!
Both of our families have been great! Everyone is so supportive & excited! I'm getting the most amusement thus far out of my siblings, who have been dying with this secret for 3 weeks! Our family isn't good with lying or secrets, so this has been tough on them! One of the many things I'm looking forward to is to see how everybody interacts with this baby! It should be quite entertaining!
I think Izzy knows too! Some say dogs can sense it, and I totally agree! She has been very cuddly and sweet with me. I can't wait to see what she does with the little one! I'm sure she will be the baby's protector, and absolutely adore her new sibling! Izzy was our way of telling our immediate family & friends! We ordered a doggie t-shirt for her online that said "I'm not supposed to say anything, but...Mommy's having a baby!" It's pretty cute, and whenever we put it on her it's almost like she knows she's wearing big news! She gets all crazy & excited!
So enough rambling for now, but check back often because we have lots to share these days!
Oh, and we won't be fining out the gender, so name suggestions (both ways) will be appreciated & considered!
Oh again, my two best girlfriends are also expecting their first babies (both in February), and I couldn't be more excited to share this crazy experience with them! I know I will appreciate them more and more the further into this I get!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
After a month off
Wow! I can't believe it's been over a month since I last posted anything! It's flown by! We just got back from the last of our vacations for the year! We spent last weekend out in Vegas with some of our best friends! We had a good time, and I survived four flights. If you know me at all...I HATE TO FLY, so this is a huge accomplishment! We stayed at the Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino this time, and it was so nice...aside form the AC not being very cool in our room! Overall, it was better than our run at the Luxor last time!
One of the best parts of the trip was going to the Las Vegasan's for Nebraska bar and watching the Husker season opener! It felt like we were in downtown Lincoln even though we were a few blocks off the Las Vegas strip! I got a pretty cool T-shirt that I'm excited to wear to the game on Saturday if the weather cooperates! I'm excited we get to go this week! I absolutely love going to the games! Craig's parents won tickets to the game, so we are all going to go together. They haven't been to a game since they were in college, so I'm excited to show them the ropes of the new millennium! We are also going in two weeks with my sister, her fiance, and his sister & brother-in-law. It should be a fun weekend! That game is the 300 consecutive sellout & homecoming, so it should be tons of fun!
Go Big Red!
One of the best parts of the trip was going to the Las Vegasan's for Nebraska bar and watching the Husker season opener! It felt like we were in downtown Lincoln even though we were a few blocks off the Las Vegas strip! I got a pretty cool T-shirt that I'm excited to wear to the game on Saturday if the weather cooperates! I'm excited we get to go this week! I absolutely love going to the games! Craig's parents won tickets to the game, so we are all going to go together. They haven't been to a game since they were in college, so I'm excited to show them the ropes of the new millennium! We are also going in two weeks with my sister, her fiance, and his sister & brother-in-law. It should be a fun weekend! That game is the 300 consecutive sellout & homecoming, so it should be tons of fun!
Go Big Red!
Saturday, August 8, 2009
One Year Ago Today

We are off to dinner!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Another one bites the dust...
vacation that is! We got back from Okoboji last Saturday evening! The week was full of fun, sun, food, drinks, & one trip to the ER! The weather couldn't have been any better for me...it was perfect boating weather! It was warm enough to be out & about in a swimming suit, but cool enough that I didn't melt or overheat on the boat all day! We have never been for 7 days, so it was a new experience for all of us! I think it was the perfect amount of time...long enough that it didn't go by so fast, but not too long! Oh, and the house we picked out online was absolutely wonderful! It was huge and beautiful! I think there is a good chance we'll be booking the same place for next summer! Yay!
The trip to the ER was for me! Yep, I'm a klutz! On Thursday morning, I was walking through our house up there and kicked a chair on the way by. Long story short, I fractured a small bone in my foot! Now, I have the pleasure of wearing a very stylish Velcro shoe until tennis shoes don't hurt...SWEET! Oh well, at least I did it at the end of the week!
This week we are trying to get back in the swing of things with work, home, etc. Last night we had a huge storm roll through Lincoln. We actually lost a small limb off our birch tree in the front yard. That's a new experience with being homeowners. We never had to worry about that sort of thing with the apartments...it wasn't our problem.
Oh, and we are gearing up for the big one year anniversary on Saturday! I can't believe it's been a whole year already...wow time flies! So many exciting things have happened! We don't have any extravagant plans for Saturday, probably just dinner out someplace yummy! I do have our wedding cake top tier thawing out in our fridge. I really hope it doesn't taste too bad...I really loved our cake and have been craving it lately! Our trip to Las Vegas over Labor Day will be our anniversary celebration/gift to each other! I'm really looking forward to it, assuming my foot feels better by then!
The trip to the ER was for me! Yep, I'm a klutz! On Thursday morning, I was walking through our house up there and kicked a chair on the way by. Long story short, I fractured a small bone in my foot! Now, I have the pleasure of wearing a very stylish Velcro shoe until tennis shoes don't hurt...SWEET! Oh well, at least I did it at the end of the week!
This week we are trying to get back in the swing of things with work, home, etc. Last night we had a huge storm roll through Lincoln. We actually lost a small limb off our birch tree in the front yard. That's a new experience with being homeowners. We never had to worry about that sort of thing with the apartments...it wasn't our problem.
Oh, and we are gearing up for the big one year anniversary on Saturday! I can't believe it's been a whole year already...wow time flies! So many exciting things have happened! We don't have any extravagant plans for Saturday, probably just dinner out someplace yummy! I do have our wedding cake top tier thawing out in our fridge. I really hope it doesn't taste too bad...I really loved our cake and have been craving it lately! Our trip to Las Vegas over Labor Day will be our anniversary celebration/gift to each other! I'm really looking forward to it, assuming my foot feels better by then!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Birthdays, Burgers, & Babies
Well, it's been a while! It's be a crazy couple of weeks. I'll try to hit the high points! We celebrated Izzy's first birthday last Friday! She has survived a whole year in this great big world, and 10 months with us! I can't believe how much she's changed!
Here she is on the day we got her, she was 10 weeks old!
Here are a few pictures from Friday, her birthday! We spoiled her with her own burger, Cheetos, & chips! It was all gone in a matter of seconds! I think this is a good tradition we started!
She really enjoyed her treat!
Saturday, Brent, Buffye, & the kids came to spend the night at our place on their way back home to Colorado Springs! We had a full house, but it was a lot of fun! We went to the Morrill Hall museum on Saturday afternoon. Considering I have lived in Lincoln for seven years and never been, it was good to go and see it! The kids had a pretty good time too! We came home, the kids napped, and then we grilled out. We ended the evening with s'mores from our fire pit! It was a great time!
They left Sunday morning, and we were spent! We decided to see the new Harry Potter flick on Sunday afternoon. I thought it was really good! I love all those books and the movies are just as good!
Monday night we went out with all our friends for and early birthday celebration for Craig. He chose Shogun's. It was a great time, and our chef got a kick out of picking on Craig! His really birthday is the 28th, so we'll be celebrating in Okoboji! YAY!
It the midst of dinner, a couple of friends had a big announcement...they're having a baby! They are due Febuary 8th and our other really good friends are due Febuary 1st. This means I am now throwing a double baby shower! I'm super excited for all of them!
Our Okoboji vacation is next week, less than 3 days and we'll be there! I'm beyond excited! I can't wait for some R&R and fun in the sun! It's been a while...like since our honeymoon!
Here are a few pictures from Friday, her birthday! We spoiled her with her own burger, Cheetos, & chips! It was all gone in a matter of seconds! I think this is a good tradition we started!
She really enjoyed her treat!
Saturday, Brent, Buffye, & the kids came to spend the night at our place on their way back home to Colorado Springs! We had a full house, but it was a lot of fun! We went to the Morrill Hall museum on Saturday afternoon. Considering I have lived in Lincoln for seven years and never been, it was good to go and see it! The kids had a pretty good time too! We came home, the kids napped, and then we grilled out. We ended the evening with s'mores from our fire pit! It was a great time!
They left Sunday morning, and we were spent! We decided to see the new Harry Potter flick on Sunday afternoon. I thought it was really good! I love all those books and the movies are just as good!
Monday night we went out with all our friends for and early birthday celebration for Craig. He chose Shogun's. It was a great time, and our chef got a kick out of picking on Craig! His really birthday is the 28th, so we'll be celebrating in Okoboji! YAY!
It the midst of dinner, a couple of friends had a big announcement...they're having a baby! They are due Febuary 8th and our other really good friends are due Febuary 1st. This means I am now throwing a double baby shower! I'm super excited for all of them!
Our Okoboji vacation is next week, less than 3 days and we'll be there! I'm beyond excited! I can't wait for some R&R and fun in the sun! It's been a while...like since our honeymoon!
Monday, July 13, 2009
1 Down, 2 To Go!
Well, we survived the trip to Colorado Springs over the 4th! It was a lot of fun, we got to hang out with the kids, go to a movie (Ice Age 3...funny!), go on a hike in the mountains (BEAUTIFUL!), eat yummy food, and go boating on a gorgeous lake! That's not too shabby for a four day trip! The trip didn't not help my "baby itch". I got to be reminded how great Craig is with kids...he's going to be a great Daddy whenever the time comes. We also got to see how Izzy handles kids. She did sooo good! They hugged her, pulled her tail, messed with her ears, screamed at her, etc...and she didn't growl, nip, or hardly react at all! She LOVES kids, so I'm sure she'll be excited whenever the time comes!
We had an engagement party for Jess & Nick this past Saturday! It was so much fun! The weather couldn't have been better, and we spent the night on the patio drinking, singing, and laughing with friends & family! Brent & Buffye are back in Nebraska this week, so they came to the party...it was a great opportunity to kick back and have fun with them too! Craig got volunteered to bartend for the party...yikes! Over the course of the evening, he thought it would be a good idea to experiment with Scotch. He also smoked about 8 cigars...gross! I was sure he'd be getting sick by the end of the night, but somehow he maintained and actually felt better than I did yesterday (I only had 3 drinks and woke up with a headache!) This was the official kick off to the next 5ish months of wedding festivities! It's going to be a crazy, fun ride! I can't wait!
We are t-minus 12 days to Okoboji! We are all so excited about this trip. I'm not sure why this trip is different from any other we've taken up there, but we are all super excited. I don't remember all of us looking forward to it like this! It's probably because we had to skip last year! The only thing I'm sad about it leaving Izzy behind at the Kennel for 7 nights...that makes me sad!
Speaking of Izzy, she turns the big #1 this Friday! I can't believe she's already a year old! We are going to celebrate, but making a trip to the pet store to let her pick out a new toy and some treats! We are also going to get her a harness to make walks a little more pleasureable for all of us! She's a tugger! We are also planning to grill her a special "Izzy size" hamburger to mark the occassion!
Sometime later this week, Brent, Buffye, & the kids are going to come stay at our place on their way back to Colorado! It should be a lot of fun to have them all at our house (and not have to share them with anyone else!) That means we have some serious cleaning, yard work, organizing, and grocery shopping to do! It should be crazy, fun, busy week!
We had an engagement party for Jess & Nick this past Saturday! It was so much fun! The weather couldn't have been better, and we spent the night on the patio drinking, singing, and laughing with friends & family! Brent & Buffye are back in Nebraska this week, so they came to the party...it was a great opportunity to kick back and have fun with them too! Craig got volunteered to bartend for the party...yikes! Over the course of the evening, he thought it would be a good idea to experiment with Scotch. He also smoked about 8 cigars...gross! I was sure he'd be getting sick by the end of the night, but somehow he maintained and actually felt better than I did yesterday (I only had 3 drinks and woke up with a headache!) This was the official kick off to the next 5ish months of wedding festivities! It's going to be a crazy, fun ride! I can't wait!
We are t-minus 12 days to Okoboji! We are all so excited about this trip. I'm not sure why this trip is different from any other we've taken up there, but we are all super excited. I don't remember all of us looking forward to it like this! It's probably because we had to skip last year! The only thing I'm sad about it leaving Izzy behind at the Kennel for 7 nights...that makes me sad!
Speaking of Izzy, she turns the big #1 this Friday! I can't believe she's already a year old! We are going to celebrate, but making a trip to the pet store to let her pick out a new toy and some treats! We are also going to get her a harness to make walks a little more pleasureable for all of us! She's a tugger! We are also planning to grill her a special "Izzy size" hamburger to mark the occassion!
Sometime later this week, Brent, Buffye, & the kids are going to come stay at our place on their way back to Colorado! It should be a lot of fun to have them all at our house (and not have to share them with anyone else!) That means we have some serious cleaning, yard work, organizing, and grocery shopping to do! It should be crazy, fun, busy week!
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Dog Park, Road Trips, & More!
Yikes, it's been a while! Let's see, what's happened since my last post. Well, I guess the biggest news is that Jess & Nick have picked New Year's Eve 2009 as their wedding date! It wasn't their first choice because of all our December birthdays, but due to some conflicts with Nick's family next summer it was the next best option. It should be a lot of fun, and one hell of a way to end 2009! We went dress shopping last Friday, and she picked the first dress she tried on! (Of course, she tried on many others, but nothing topped that first one!) It is absolutely gorgeous on her! We also got lucky and found bridesmaid's dresses for us (She asked me to be her Maid of Honor...I'm so excited!). The dresses for us are tea length & black! I love them!
We spend the rest of the weekend hanging with friends we don't see too often. We got the chance to go to the Melting Pot in Omaha to celebrate Amanda & Scott's anniversary with them. OMG, that restaurant is sooooo good but man is it expensive! I will definitely go back, but it's going to have to be a special occasion! After dinner, we headed over to Travis's house for a backyard concert. It was pretty fun, the music was good, the friends were good, but the drive home after midnight kinda sucked!
Sunday was a lazy day up until we decided to take Izzy to the Dog Park for the first time! She was a little overwhelmed by the big dogs that ran up to her to say "Hi!", but overall I think she had a good time! Here are some pics of the experience!
Here she is just warming up to the place! Notice her tail is down...not typical!

Craig wanted to see what she would do in the water...of course, she was too scared to go in on her own, so he threw her in! Awesome! She didn't like that too much, and found her way to land as quick as she could!
Sunday evening, the Community Church had a children's carnival and fireworks. We walked up with our neighbors to watch the show. I must admit I was impressed by the fireworks display! It lasted quite a while and the fireworks were pretty cool! It definitely pumped me up for this weekend!
Monday, we had our usual grill night with our friends. As normal, the food was great and the conversation better! Last night, we exposed our favorite neighbors, Tim & Alli (and their 4-year-old Greyson) to our favorite Chinese take-out Zhangs! It was so yummy, and we had a great time hanging out with him. Izzy & Greyson wore each other out, so that was entertaining to watch!
Now, we trying to get organized for our trip out to Colorado Springs. We are leaving tomorrow afternoon as soon as we can get out of work. I have the house cleaned, and I'm working on the laundry. I hope to be packed by 9! I better get moving!
Wow! This was long, and I have pictures in my post...I'm getting better at this blog thing I think. Now, if only people would read it! Ha!
Well, if any of you are reading this, I hope you have a great 4th of July! It is definitely my favorite holiday!
We spend the rest of the weekend hanging with friends we don't see too often. We got the chance to go to the Melting Pot in Omaha to celebrate Amanda & Scott's anniversary with them. OMG, that restaurant is sooooo good but man is it expensive! I will definitely go back, but it's going to have to be a special occasion! After dinner, we headed over to Travis's house for a backyard concert. It was pretty fun, the music was good, the friends were good, but the drive home after midnight kinda sucked!
Sunday was a lazy day up until we decided to take Izzy to the Dog Park for the first time! She was a little overwhelmed by the big dogs that ran up to her to say "Hi!", but overall I think she had a good time! Here are some pics of the experience!

Here she is just warming up to the place! Notice her tail is down...not typical!

Craig wanted to see what she would do in the water...of course, she was too scared to go in on her own, so he threw her in! Awesome! She didn't like that too much, and found her way to land as quick as she could!
Sunday evening, the Community Church had a children's carnival and fireworks. We walked up with our neighbors to watch the show. I must admit I was impressed by the fireworks display! It lasted quite a while and the fireworks were pretty cool! It definitely pumped me up for this weekend!
Monday, we had our usual grill night with our friends. As normal, the food was great and the conversation better! Last night, we exposed our favorite neighbors, Tim & Alli (and their 4-year-old Greyson) to our favorite Chinese take-out Zhangs! It was so yummy, and we had a great time hanging out with him. Izzy & Greyson wore each other out, so that was entertaining to watch!
Now, we trying to get organized for our trip out to Colorado Springs. We are leaving tomorrow afternoon as soon as we can get out of work. I have the house cleaned, and I'm working on the laundry. I hope to be packed by 9! I better get moving!
Wow! This was long, and I have pictures in my post...I'm getting better at this blog thing I think. Now, if only people would read it! Ha!
Well, if any of you are reading this, I hope you have a great 4th of July! It is definitely my favorite holiday!
Monday, June 22, 2009
Five Years...a little late
So I should have posted this about a week ago, but you know life got in the way. On June 14th, I have been at my job for 5 years! 5 YEARS! I think that is insane. I'm 25 and have been at the same job for 5 years...that's pretty rare. Granted 2 of those years were part time while I was in college, but still 5 years is a long time. 20% of my life...ouch!
So much has changed in my life since I started here...I have graduated college, bought a car, got married, vacationed out of the country, bought a house, and gotten a dog. Also, my family has expanded with a niece & a nephew (on Craig's side), and lost two family members to cancer (great aunt & uncle). I have watched both siblings graduate high school and my sister graduate college too! I have moved twice and gone of various trips...Vegas, Colorado, Okoboji, Mexico, etc. I can't believe it's really been that long. It's been a wild ride!
I love my job. I like what I do, and I think I'm pretty good at it. Now, if I could only figure out a way to make more money...I'd be set for life!
So much has changed in my life since I started here...I have graduated college, bought a car, got married, vacationed out of the country, bought a house, and gotten a dog. Also, my family has expanded with a niece & a nephew (on Craig's side), and lost two family members to cancer (great aunt & uncle). I have watched both siblings graduate high school and my sister graduate college too! I have moved twice and gone of various trips...Vegas, Colorado, Okoboji, Mexico, etc. I can't believe it's really been that long. It's been a wild ride!
I love my job. I like what I do, and I think I'm pretty good at it. Now, if I could only figure out a way to make more money...I'd be set for life!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
It's a great day!
I got a call from my sister this morning...she's engaged! It's about time, no really we just have all knew this was coming for quite some time, so we've been waiting for what seems like forever. I am beyond excited for her and Nick. They are so great together! I couldn't have picked anyone better for her.
So...this means we have another year full of wedding planning, parties, and fun! I am so excited! I had so much fun with our wedding, so I know this will be fun too! Especially, since I'm not the one making all the decisions!
Oh, and Jess & Nick closed on their house this morning too, so it's been a HUGE day for them! Talk about timing!
So...this means we have another year full of wedding planning, parties, and fun! I am so excited! I had so much fun with our wedding, so I know this will be fun too! Especially, since I'm not the one making all the decisions!
Oh, and Jess & Nick closed on their house this morning too, so it's been a HUGE day for them! Talk about timing!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
It's official...
I have the ever-so-popular "baby itch" that inevitably hits most women at some point in their lives. My itch has been growing for months now (pretty much since the wedding), but the last few weeks have gotten pretty serious. Craig's not "there" yet, but I'm working on him!
It's probably not helping that yesterday I got to hold a newborn for the first time in a couple years. I also spend a lot of time reading other blogs about people with their new babies or the tales of pregnant women. It seems like there's a baby boom going on these days!
My thing is we're married, we have a house, we both have good jobs...why wait? Are we financially ready, probably not, but then again will we ever be? I doubt it! Do we have a good support system, I would like to think so? Are we ready to be parents...I think so! (OK maybe not so much yet for Craig, but I know he would be when the time came! I can't wait to see him as a Dad!)
In other news, not much going on! We're headed back home for the weekend. We're going to catch one of Chip's baseball games and hopefully get a tour of Jessica & Nick's new house. They should be closing hopefully tomorrow! We'll also visit the grandparents and hang with the 'rents! Should be a fun weekend!
It's probably not helping that yesterday I got to hold a newborn for the first time in a couple years. I also spend a lot of time reading other blogs about people with their new babies or the tales of pregnant women. It seems like there's a baby boom going on these days!
My thing is we're married, we have a house, we both have good jobs...why wait? Are we financially ready, probably not, but then again will we ever be? I doubt it! Do we have a good support system, I would like to think so? Are we ready to be parents...I think so! (OK maybe not so much yet for Craig, but I know he would be when the time came! I can't wait to see him as a Dad!)
In other news, not much going on! We're headed back home for the weekend. We're going to catch one of Chip's baseball games and hopefully get a tour of Jessica & Nick's new house. They should be closing hopefully tomorrow! We'll also visit the grandparents and hang with the 'rents! Should be a fun weekend!
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Trips, Trips, & More Trips
Well, we now have 3 vacations to look forward in the next few months. Yay! I've been missing work alot for all the things that have been going on, but most of that wasn't really fun or vacation like...funerals, helping with graduation parties, etc. (The actual graduation parties were fun!)Now, we'll be going to fun places and doing fun things!
Our first trip is scheduled for the 4th of July weekend. We're going on a road trip out to Colorado Springs to visit Craig's brother & his family. We haven't seen the kids (or Brent & Buffye) since Christmas, so we're really looking forward to seeing them! It may also be Izzy's first road trip over 2 hours, so that will be interesting! She's a little crazy in the car sometimes! We always have a great time out there, it's so beautiful! What a great place to visit and what better excuse...to see our neices & nephew!
The next trip is at the end of July! We're going on the Annual Bryant Vacation to Okoboji! SWEET! I absolutely love it there...it's one of my favorite places! My whole immediate family is going, and this year we are renting out a lakefront condo versus staying at a resort like usual. It should be really fun! Oh, and Nick has a new boat for the trip, so we're all looking forward to breaking that in! We are seriously counting down the days to this one! Can't come soon enough! Last year, because of our wedding, nobody got to go to Okoboji...so we're all overdue for a trip up there!
The last trip (which we just planned last night) is to Las Vegas over Labor Day weekend! We went a few years ago during one of our college spring breaks, and we've been dying to go back ever since! This time we are going with some of our best friends, Ryan & Jill. We both have anniversaries in August, so we're calling it a "Joint-Anniversary" trip. We're staying at the Planet Hollywood Hotel & Casino. It wasn't even built the last time we were there, so it should be really nice considering it's brand new! We can't wait!
So while all this is super fun & exciting, this means I seriously need to figure out a way to lose weight & get in shape VERY fast! Yikes! If these trips aren't enough motivation for me, I don't know what will be! Wish me luck!
Our first trip is scheduled for the 4th of July weekend. We're going on a road trip out to Colorado Springs to visit Craig's brother & his family. We haven't seen the kids (or Brent & Buffye) since Christmas, so we're really looking forward to seeing them! It may also be Izzy's first road trip over 2 hours, so that will be interesting! She's a little crazy in the car sometimes! We always have a great time out there, it's so beautiful! What a great place to visit and what better excuse...to see our neices & nephew!
The next trip is at the end of July! We're going on the Annual Bryant Vacation to Okoboji! SWEET! I absolutely love it there...it's one of my favorite places! My whole immediate family is going, and this year we are renting out a lakefront condo versus staying at a resort like usual. It should be really fun! Oh, and Nick has a new boat for the trip, so we're all looking forward to breaking that in! We are seriously counting down the days to this one! Can't come soon enough! Last year, because of our wedding, nobody got to go to Okoboji...so we're all overdue for a trip up there!
The last trip (which we just planned last night) is to Las Vegas over Labor Day weekend! We went a few years ago during one of our college spring breaks, and we've been dying to go back ever since! This time we are going with some of our best friends, Ryan & Jill. We both have anniversaries in August, so we're calling it a "Joint-Anniversary" trip. We're staying at the Planet Hollywood Hotel & Casino. It wasn't even built the last time we were there, so it should be really nice considering it's brand new! We can't wait!
So while all this is super fun & exciting, this means I seriously need to figure out a way to lose weight & get in shape VERY fast! Yikes! If these trips aren't enough motivation for me, I don't know what will be! Wish me luck!
Friday, May 29, 2009
Sad, Sick Puppy!
We had a long night last night...Izzy was sick! Craig had spent the evening fishing with some friends, so it was just me and Izzy at home for most of the night. She was hanging out int he backyard as she does most nights. I was puttering around the house doing laundry and cleaning the kitchen. I noticed she was licking/digging at a spot in the yard. I tried to call her in the house and she wouldn't budge. (She usually comes when we call her!) So, I went out to check out what she was doing...it was a pretty gross site. I wasn't completely sure, but it sure looked like she had gotten sick.
So, I thought maybe the front yard would be a better place for us to hang out, as she wouldn't leave "the spot" alone. I took her out front, hooked her to her chain, and settled into the lawn chair on the porch for some magazine reading. Izzy started chowing down on grass like I've never seen her do. It was crazy. She would eat, then lay down, and then eat some more. She didn't get sick again outside for almost 2 hours, so I thought whatever it was had passed.
I brought her back inside and gave her a bath. It was the time of the month for her flea/tick treatment, so I thought I should give her a bath first since she wouldn't be able to have another one for a week. Shortly after the bath, Craig came home. She seemed her usual, excited self when he came in. We hung out in the leaving room for a little while, then Izzy got sick on the floor. We cleaned it up, she napped for a while, and then we headed to bed. She got sick at 12:15 a.m. and again at about 1 a.m. It was a long night!
I didn't sleep well. I was worried about her and afraid she was going to get sick again at any time. I can't imagine how it's going to be with babies. If they are ever sick, I might as well just stay up all night because sleeping is impossible when I'm worried/paranoid like that! It's almost worse to stay in bed and fight with sleep than to just stay up all night!
Izzy still seems "off" today. I hope she just got into something she shouldn't have in the yard or something. She's never been "sick" for so long. I hope it's not serious!
So, I thought maybe the front yard would be a better place for us to hang out, as she wouldn't leave "the spot" alone. I took her out front, hooked her to her chain, and settled into the lawn chair on the porch for some magazine reading. Izzy started chowing down on grass like I've never seen her do. It was crazy. She would eat, then lay down, and then eat some more. She didn't get sick again outside for almost 2 hours, so I thought whatever it was had passed.
I brought her back inside and gave her a bath. It was the time of the month for her flea/tick treatment, so I thought I should give her a bath first since she wouldn't be able to have another one for a week. Shortly after the bath, Craig came home. She seemed her usual, excited self when he came in. We hung out in the leaving room for a little while, then Izzy got sick on the floor. We cleaned it up, she napped for a while, and then we headed to bed. She got sick at 12:15 a.m. and again at about 1 a.m. It was a long night!
I didn't sleep well. I was worried about her and afraid she was going to get sick again at any time. I can't imagine how it's going to be with babies. If they are ever sick, I might as well just stay up all night because sleeping is impossible when I'm worried/paranoid like that! It's almost worse to stay in bed and fight with sleep than to just stay up all night!
Izzy still seems "off" today. I hope she just got into something she shouldn't have in the yard or something. She's never been "sick" for so long. I hope it's not serious!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Garage Sale Newbie!
Last week, some of our neighbors and us were hanging out in one of the respective driveways when another neighbor stopped by to tell us about the Neighborhood Garage Sales happening in a couple weeks! We are pretty excited about this as we have plenty of things we need to get rid of...it's giving us an excuse to open some boxes that haven't been opened since we moved in!
I'm amazed how "full" our house has gotten in 9 short months...although it feels like we've lived there a lot longer than that! I can't imagine how fast the house will fill up when we have kids! Anyway, we have two weeks to prepare & organize for this garage sale event...any tips! I've never done this on my own before, so I'm shooting blind.
I know some friends of ours are going to be bringing some things over to sell as well...we'll have furniture, kitchen appliances, picture frames, yard items, and other random odds & ends! If you're in the neighborhood on June 6th or 7th, stop by and say "hi"!
I'm amazed how "full" our house has gotten in 9 short months...although it feels like we've lived there a lot longer than that! I can't imagine how fast the house will fill up when we have kids! Anyway, we have two weeks to prepare & organize for this garage sale event...any tips! I've never done this on my own before, so I'm shooting blind.
I know some friends of ours are going to be bringing some things over to sell as well...we'll have furniture, kitchen appliances, picture frames, yard items, and other random odds & ends! If you're in the neighborhood on June 6th or 7th, stop by and say "hi"!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Home Sweet Home
Wow...it feels good to be home! After 3 straight weeks of trips back home to Tekamah, it feels so good to be back home in Lincoln with no immediately plans to return home. Don't get me wrong, I love being back home with our families, but getting back and forth is beginning to get really old. All of the events these past two weeks with the graduations were a huge success and lots of fun! Now, the next big thing to look forward to is the State Track Meet this weekend. We didn't necessary expect Chip to qualify, but he did! And, we couldn't be more excited! He's going to run the 400 meter dash Friday morning! I've never been to the state track meet, so it should be a lot of fun!
Until then, I plan to fill the week with laundry, cleaning, and some organizing. My house has been neglected the past few weeks with all the craziness, so I have some work to do!
Until then, I plan to fill the week with laundry, cleaning, and some organizing. My house has been neglected the past few weeks with all the craziness, so I have some work to do!
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Our Escape Artist
Well, she's done it again! Izzy broke out of kennel yet again. This is the third escape and second kennel. She does fine during the day, but if we come home from work and then leave again shortly thereafter...she gets really mad. About a month ago, she was enjoying being "free" in a restricted area of the house while we were at work. She did really well for about 3 weeks! Then, we came home one day to find one of our lamp cords and our stereo cord chewed through. Obviously, that was the end of her freedom. We "altered" her existing kennel to prevent future breakouts and started kenneling her during the day again. We were golden for about 3 weeks, and then Tuesday evening she found a way out and broke the kennel in the process. She is now spending her days in yet another new kennel, we'll see how long this one lasts!
In other news, Craig got himself a new mower yesterday. He was such a nerd about it and super excited! I had to go check it out...he even made me push it across the front yard. I'm not arguing that we needed on (we have been using my Dad's old mover from 1976 and every time it runs a bit worse), but seriously why do guys get so excited about things like mowers? I'll never understand it!
Tomorrow starts the beginning of the two-week whirlwind of my siblings' graduations. Jess's is this weekend up in Wayne with a party following in Tekamah, and Chip's is next weekend in Tekamah. Both should be lots of fun!
In other news, Craig got himself a new mower yesterday. He was such a nerd about it and super excited! I had to go check it out...he even made me push it across the front yard. I'm not arguing that we needed on (we have been using my Dad's old mover from 1976 and every time it runs a bit worse), but seriously why do guys get so excited about things like mowers? I'll never understand it!
Tomorrow starts the beginning of the two-week whirlwind of my siblings' graduations. Jess's is this weekend up in Wayne with a party following in Tekamah, and Chip's is next weekend in Tekamah. Both should be lots of fun!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Well, I got the call I have been expecting for a couple weeks yesterday morning. Uncle Jack had past away. It seems as though he just didn't wake up yesterday morning. I hope that was the case...it's a peaceful way to go. So, now we're preparing to make our trip home for the visitation & funeral. We were all prepared and knew this was the inevitable ending to the ordeal of his leukemia, but it's still sad and strange to think of how "alive" he was not long ago.
I was looking through some old pictures tonight to find some for the funeral. I found a few, but I'm disappointed in myself there weren't more to choose from. We didn't even have one professional wedding picture of him. Now, that makes me sad. I guess I will have to remember this at other family occasions, and try to stay on top of the picture taking.
One of my aunts (Janna) is having her gall bladder removed tomorrow afternoon, so that will be on our minds as well. It is a fairly routine procedure, but for me any surgery is scary. Plus, with Janna, she's had such a rough go the past few years and we all hate it when anything "bad" happens to her.
Speaking of surgery, Craig's grandpa is having hip surgery next Wednesday. He fell at some point over this last winter, and it turns out he has a small fracture in there. They are going to put in a pin to prevent further damage and save him from a total hip replacement. He just got back from the WWII veterans trip to Washington, D.C. last week. He had a great time! He wanted to get through the trip, and then figure out what needed to be done about his pain.
But, after all the surgeries and the funeral, we have some very fun graduation parties to look forward to! I'm really looking forward to those!
I was looking through some old pictures tonight to find some for the funeral. I found a few, but I'm disappointed in myself there weren't more to choose from. We didn't even have one professional wedding picture of him. Now, that makes me sad. I guess I will have to remember this at other family occasions, and try to stay on top of the picture taking.
One of my aunts (Janna) is having her gall bladder removed tomorrow afternoon, so that will be on our minds as well. It is a fairly routine procedure, but for me any surgery is scary. Plus, with Janna, she's had such a rough go the past few years and we all hate it when anything "bad" happens to her.
Speaking of surgery, Craig's grandpa is having hip surgery next Wednesday. He fell at some point over this last winter, and it turns out he has a small fracture in there. They are going to put in a pin to prevent further damage and save him from a total hip replacement. He just got back from the WWII veterans trip to Washington, D.C. last week. He had a great time! He wanted to get through the trip, and then figure out what needed to be done about his pain.
But, after all the surgeries and the funeral, we have some very fun graduation parties to look forward to! I'm really looking forward to those!
Monday, April 27, 2009
Our New Toy
Well after seven years and multiple "re-boots", our computer finally quit on us last weekend. We had been thinking about getting a new laptop for a while now, but couldn't justify it with "nothing major" being wrong with our existing computer. Well when we couldn't even get Windows to load, we decided the time had come to go shopping! After a few hours at Best Buy (BORING!!!), we came home last Monday with a new Sony Vaio laptop!
It's a pretty sweet machine! One of our favorite features is the Blue-Ray player. Let me tell you, even I can see & hear a difference with the Blue-Rays! So, between our BlackBerrys and our new computer, we've become pretty high-tech over the last month! Yikes!
Since the laptop is wireless, we haven't been using it in our "office". We're thinking we may downsize the desk and pretty much eliminate the need for an entire room to be dedicated to the office. What we'll fill it with...who knows?
Oh and the best news...yesterday, Craig was somehow able to get the old computer to load and move our files over to the new one. I was most worried about our pictures and wedding slideshow...everything moved fine! Yay!
It's a pretty sweet machine! One of our favorite features is the Blue-Ray player. Let me tell you, even I can see & hear a difference with the Blue-Rays! So, between our BlackBerrys and our new computer, we've become pretty high-tech over the last month! Yikes!
Since the laptop is wireless, we haven't been using it in our "office". We're thinking we may downsize the desk and pretty much eliminate the need for an entire room to be dedicated to the office. What we'll fill it with...who knows?
Oh and the best news...yesterday, Craig was somehow able to get the old computer to load and move our files over to the new one. I was most worried about our pictures and wedding slideshow...everything moved fine! Yay!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
A Productive Weekend
We spent the weekend doing normal new homeowner type stuff. After a relaxing dinner out on Friday with some friends, we spent the majority of the rest of the weekend "working". I spent almost all of Saturday deep cleaning the kitchen...fun, fun! I cleaned out all the appliances, the counters, and the floor. I hadn't done the appliances since we moved in August, so it was definitely over due. I still need to do the refrigerator drawers because they were really full of food, so I decided to wait until we were running low on groceries and take care of that part then. Everything else got cleaned: oven, microwave, sink, etc.
Craig spent Saturday in the yard, and what a nice day to spend outside! We had planted the magnolia tree last week, so he started off the day running to Lowe's to pick up some mulch to go around it and other things we needed. After he put the mulch out, he sprayed some weeds and decided to mow. After all of that we showered and decided to grill some chicken for cesar salads. We finally got out of the house for a drive and some ice cream Saturday night!
On Sunday, we invited Craig's parents down to Lincoln for lunch. We grilled steaks for lunch...Craig did a great job! After lunch and the latest show and tell at the house, we headed back to Lowe's to look at some replacement plants for areas Craig had cleaned up on Saturday. We started looking for two plants, and came home with ten! We got two azalea bushes, two rhododendron bushes, four Asiatic lily plants, and a butterfly bushes. Everything was planted by 6p.m., and we finished the weekend with dinner in the backyard with friends!
So...most boring post ever, but we both felt good about the progress this weekend. Yep! That's right, we're boring, old, married, homeowners now! Woo-Hoo!
Craig spent Saturday in the yard, and what a nice day to spend outside! We had planted the magnolia tree last week, so he started off the day running to Lowe's to pick up some mulch to go around it and other things we needed. After he put the mulch out, he sprayed some weeds and decided to mow. After all of that we showered and decided to grill some chicken for cesar salads. We finally got out of the house for a drive and some ice cream Saturday night!
On Sunday, we invited Craig's parents down to Lincoln for lunch. We grilled steaks for lunch...Craig did a great job! After lunch and the latest show and tell at the house, we headed back to Lowe's to look at some replacement plants for areas Craig had cleaned up on Saturday. We started looking for two plants, and came home with ten! We got two azalea bushes, two rhododendron bushes, four Asiatic lily plants, and a butterfly bushes. Everything was planted by 6p.m., and we finished the weekend with dinner in the backyard with friends!
So...most boring post ever, but we both felt good about the progress this weekend. Yep! That's right, we're boring, old, married, homeowners now! Woo-Hoo!
Friday, April 17, 2009
Time for a Change
So, I decided to change things up a bit with the blog layout. I'm still really new to this, so it was just a matter of adding pictures & changing some colors. I like how it looks now, and it fits us better! I also changed the name of the blog...since we are within a month of our 8 year mark I thought we needed something different.
In other news, my Uncle Jack is still struggling. We found out this week that his doctors don't think the chemo helped at all and his leukemia is as bad s it was (or worse) a month ago. His doctor says he has all the signs of the "end" except an infection. Whenever he gets an infection, it will kill him. His doctor is recommending hospice care (no more blood transfusions, antibiotics, blood test...just pain management). Jack has been really agitated all week, so everyone has been talking to him and trying to explain things to him. It is apparent that he knows what's happening. He has asked his nurses to give him as much pain medication as he can have as often as he can have it. He's pretty much slept since Tuesday night. The whole situation is taking a toll on everyone...especially my parents. There is nothing anyone can do at this point, but wait. As bad as it sounds, I think everyone is kinda hoping that he'll just fall asleep one of these nights (sooner rather and later) and not wake up.
Also, it's Chip's (my brother's) senior prom tomorrow. He's really excited. He picked out this super cool tux and some of his classmates and him rented a limo. Part of me really wants to go up and see him all dressed up, but the other part knows that I'll drive 3 hours roundtrip and only get to see him for a few minutes. It's times like these that I hate how far away Lincoln is from home...even though it could be a lot worse.
We planted our first tree this week...correction, Craig planted our first tree this week. We got a Dr. Merrill Magnolia tree...actually, it's more like a big shrub, but they call it a tree. I'm really hoping it will bloom soon and that the transplant didn't ruin the buds. I'm excited to see it in full bloom some day! We are also anxiously waiting for the City of Lincoln to give us back the rest of our back yard. We are supposed to be getting sod any day now, but I think they may have messed up (again) and thought we wanted seed. Either way, we are ready for it to be done and move on with our plans. We have 3 other trees picked out to go back there, assuming we are compensated for the 4 trees they tore down. Also, we have seedlings growing in our basement for the garden we want to plant in the backyard. All of this is waiting on the city's progress. Awesome! I have a bad feeling we'll be growing tomato plants in the basement for a while.
Izzy had fun "helping" Craig dig the hole for the tree. She was a mess...covered in mud & water. She loves to play outside with him! It's quite entertainig to watch from the deck! I'm really looking forward to summer nights spent in the backyard grilling and hanging out!
Graduation is only a couple weeks away! Yikes, I've got some shopping to do, it's going to be here before we know it! Those two weekends should be a lot of fun. It's too bad that Craig will miss Jessica's graduation because his cousin Collin is also graduating that day out in Hays Center, NE! We're going with the whole "divide & conquer" system for that weekend in order to cover all our bases!
Ok...I'll stop, totally random I know. I think that's the point of blogs though. You can be as random as you want!
In other news, my Uncle Jack is still struggling. We found out this week that his doctors don't think the chemo helped at all and his leukemia is as bad s it was (or worse) a month ago. His doctor says he has all the signs of the "end" except an infection. Whenever he gets an infection, it will kill him. His doctor is recommending hospice care (no more blood transfusions, antibiotics, blood test...just pain management). Jack has been really agitated all week, so everyone has been talking to him and trying to explain things to him. It is apparent that he knows what's happening. He has asked his nurses to give him as much pain medication as he can have as often as he can have it. He's pretty much slept since Tuesday night. The whole situation is taking a toll on everyone...especially my parents. There is nothing anyone can do at this point, but wait. As bad as it sounds, I think everyone is kinda hoping that he'll just fall asleep one of these nights (sooner rather and later) and not wake up.
Also, it's Chip's (my brother's) senior prom tomorrow. He's really excited. He picked out this super cool tux and some of his classmates and him rented a limo. Part of me really wants to go up and see him all dressed up, but the other part knows that I'll drive 3 hours roundtrip and only get to see him for a few minutes. It's times like these that I hate how far away Lincoln is from home...even though it could be a lot worse.
We planted our first tree this week...correction, Craig planted our first tree this week. We got a Dr. Merrill Magnolia tree...actually, it's more like a big shrub, but they call it a tree. I'm really hoping it will bloom soon and that the transplant didn't ruin the buds. I'm excited to see it in full bloom some day! We are also anxiously waiting for the City of Lincoln to give us back the rest of our back yard. We are supposed to be getting sod any day now, but I think they may have messed up (again) and thought we wanted seed. Either way, we are ready for it to be done and move on with our plans. We have 3 other trees picked out to go back there, assuming we are compensated for the 4 trees they tore down. Also, we have seedlings growing in our basement for the garden we want to plant in the backyard. All of this is waiting on the city's progress. Awesome! I have a bad feeling we'll be growing tomato plants in the basement for a while.
Izzy had fun "helping" Craig dig the hole for the tree. She was a mess...covered in mud & water. She loves to play outside with him! It's quite entertainig to watch from the deck! I'm really looking forward to summer nights spent in the backyard grilling and hanging out!
Graduation is only a couple weeks away! Yikes, I've got some shopping to do, it's going to be here before we know it! Those two weekends should be a lot of fun. It's too bad that Craig will miss Jessica's graduation because his cousin Collin is also graduating that day out in Hays Center, NE! We're going with the whole "divide & conquer" system for that weekend in order to cover all our bases!
Ok...I'll stop, totally random I know. I think that's the point of blogs though. You can be as random as you want!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
A Sick Husband
So, Craig has been sick since last Thursday. He never gets sick, so when he is it's bad. He's had a severe sore throat...developed a bad cough...had a few fevers...and gotten some headaches. I finally talked him into going to the urgent care clinic on Sunday. They tested him for strep throat...negative. Then, they gave him the old "you've got a virus...you need to rest and drink lots of fluids routine". Well, he's not getting any better after a few days of extra rest. In fact it's getting worse. He's at my normal doctor now, so we'll see if he can resolve anything.
The thing is, I feel like I've been pretty good to Craig since he's been sick. You know getting him medicine, making him soup, etc. Now, I get sick (usually with migraines) far more often than Craig, and when I do I don't think he's as nice to me. Why is that? I've discussed this with a few other females, so find the same thing happens with their men. Is sympathy for sickness a gender specific thing?
The thing is, I feel like I've been pretty good to Craig since he's been sick. You know getting him medicine, making him soup, etc. Now, I get sick (usually with migraines) far more often than Craig, and when I do I don't think he's as nice to me. Why is that? I've discussed this with a few other females, so find the same thing happens with their men. Is sympathy for sickness a gender specific thing?
Thursday, April 2, 2009
I'm beyond disappointed. I have been working on a case for 9 months...9 months...since July. I finally got everything finished with the life insurance companies. I delivered everything I had promised to in the beginning. Then, I come to find out this morning, the client has suddenly changed his mind and decided to go elsewhere. There were times throughout this process I was literally banging my head against the wall. We had a good company, the lowest premium, and he still went elsewhere. This industry is really starting to put me in a bad mood! (I realize most of you have no idea what I'm talking about...I needed to vent.)
In other news, graduation is rapidly approaching for both of my siblings. Chip is busy finishing out the year...right now he's at the beginning of track season. He also has Prom coming up in a couple weeks! Jessica is busy student teaching and looking for a job. She's getting a little discouraged, but I know something will work out soon! Any school would be lucky to have her!
My uncle Jack was scheduled to come home from UNMC yesterday. But, Tuesday night he developed a fever, which got up to 102 degrees and continued all day yesterday. His nurse told my dad he didn't have a very good day yesterday. He even told Mom to stay home and not come visit because he felt so bad. It is likely that he has developed some sort of infection...this is very bad because the chemo has wiped out his immune system. Now, we'll just have to go day-by-day to see if he can come home.
Craig woke up with a sore throat this morning. Mine has been a little scratchy the past couple days too. I hope we aren't getting sick! I finally feel like I'm over my 2 week long neck pain that triggered migraines about every day...I would seriously hate to set sick again!
Well, this is fairly random...that's about all I have to tell you about right now!
In other news, graduation is rapidly approaching for both of my siblings. Chip is busy finishing out the year...right now he's at the beginning of track season. He also has Prom coming up in a couple weeks! Jessica is busy student teaching and looking for a job. She's getting a little discouraged, but I know something will work out soon! Any school would be lucky to have her!
My uncle Jack was scheduled to come home from UNMC yesterday. But, Tuesday night he developed a fever, which got up to 102 degrees and continued all day yesterday. His nurse told my dad he didn't have a very good day yesterday. He even told Mom to stay home and not come visit because he felt so bad. It is likely that he has developed some sort of infection...this is very bad because the chemo has wiped out his immune system. Now, we'll just have to go day-by-day to see if he can come home.
Craig woke up with a sore throat this morning. Mine has been a little scratchy the past couple days too. I hope we aren't getting sick! I finally feel like I'm over my 2 week long neck pain that triggered migraines about every day...I would seriously hate to set sick again!
Well, this is fairly random...that's about all I have to tell you about right now!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
More Bad Stuff
It's getting to the point whenever I check in at home, there is more bad news. This morning was a perfect example. First of all, my great uncle (the one diagnosed with leukemia last week) is having trouble with his PIC line this morning. He is pretty nervous, so he has asked my dad to come down while they are trying to figure out what the problem is. Yesterday, he finished his chemotherapy, so we now have to wait 2-3 weeks to find out if it worked. He has now completely lost his appetite and is very fatigued!
I also found out this morning that Jessica's (my sister) boyfriend Nick's dog Divot was hit by a car yesterday morning. Whoever did it didn't even stop and say anything!!! One of Divot's legs is banged up pretty bad and he won't walk on it. He sounds pretty miserable. I don't know what I would do if something like that happened to Izzy. It's so sad! I can't believe that nobody said anything...especially in a small town like Tekamah!
So that was the main "bad news" from home. Yesterday, there was an article in the Lincoln Journal Star. Click here to check out the article. One of my coworkers has a "connection" to this family, so she is organizing the bake sale for the Carnival fundraiser they are having for RJ & his family on April 5th. Most of us at work have volunteered to put our baking "skills" to good work and provide some items for the bake sale. It was a no-brainer to me to want to help, especially with the most recent cancer battle in our family in full throttle. We know how expensive medical treatment is, so if I can do a small part help I'm in. Maybe it will make a difference!
I also found out this morning that Jessica's (my sister) boyfriend Nick's dog Divot was hit by a car yesterday morning. Whoever did it didn't even stop and say anything!!! One of Divot's legs is banged up pretty bad and he won't walk on it. He sounds pretty miserable. I don't know what I would do if something like that happened to Izzy. It's so sad! I can't believe that nobody said anything...especially in a small town like Tekamah!
So that was the main "bad news" from home. Yesterday, there was an article in the Lincoln Journal Star. Click here to check out the article. One of my coworkers has a "connection" to this family, so she is organizing the bake sale for the Carnival fundraiser they are having for RJ & his family on April 5th. Most of us at work have volunteered to put our baking "skills" to good work and provide some items for the bake sale. It was a no-brainer to me to want to help, especially with the most recent cancer battle in our family in full throttle. We know how expensive medical treatment is, so if I can do a small part help I'm in. Maybe it will make a difference!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Here we go again!
In the last 7 years, I have had 3 family members diagnosed with some form of leukemia. The first was my aunt, Janna. She was diagnosed when she had her baby girl, Kayla, back in 2004. She had a stem-cell transplant and has recovered quite well. She still has the daily battles, but she is cancer-free!
The second was my great aunt, Suzanne. It took them a long time to diagnose her and once they did, she didn't last too long. The leukemia had progressed very quickly, and the treatment was too much for her. She was in her 70s at the time, so her body just couldn't handle the treatment.
The latest came just this week for my great uncle, Jack. He has been diagnosed with Acute Leukemia. He is 83 years old. They are now analyzing his bone marrow to determine exactly what they are dealing with and the best course of treatment. He is scheduled to check into UNMC in Omaha on Friday for an extended stay. We are hoping that the treatment they prescribe will be something he can handle and hopefully give him some more time without suffering too much.
At 25, it's very sad for me to have this much first-hand experience with leukemia. They said that leukemia is not hereditary, but I'm beginning to wonder. My grandpa died of it when he was in his early 50s, and now both his siblings...Suzanne & Jack have had it. Three out of three siblings...a coincidence? I must say the pessimistic side of me is wondering when my time (and my immediate family's time) will come to face this battle. There go the irrational fears again! Time for a gut check!
The second was my great aunt, Suzanne. It took them a long time to diagnose her and once they did, she didn't last too long. The leukemia had progressed very quickly, and the treatment was too much for her. She was in her 70s at the time, so her body just couldn't handle the treatment.
The latest came just this week for my great uncle, Jack. He has been diagnosed with Acute Leukemia. He is 83 years old. They are now analyzing his bone marrow to determine exactly what they are dealing with and the best course of treatment. He is scheduled to check into UNMC in Omaha on Friday for an extended stay. We are hoping that the treatment they prescribe will be something he can handle and hopefully give him some more time without suffering too much.
At 25, it's very sad for me to have this much first-hand experience with leukemia. They said that leukemia is not hereditary, but I'm beginning to wonder. My grandpa died of it when he was in his early 50s, and now both his siblings...Suzanne & Jack have had it. Three out of three siblings...a coincidence? I must say the pessimistic side of me is wondering when my time (and my immediate family's time) will come to face this battle. There go the irrational fears again! Time for a gut check!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Yesterday, I started the Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred DVD workout. I had seen multiple raves about it online, so I thought for $9 I'd give it a whirl. I need something I can do in a short amount of time and is relatively inexpensive, and this seemed to fit the bill.
Each workout is about 20 minutes long and consists of 3 series of 6 minute ciruits (3 minutes>stength, 2 minutes>cardio, & 1 minute abs). There are 3 different levels/workouts on the DVD. I did the level one yesterday. It was hard!!! I'm sure feeling it today. Every time I move it hurts...in the strangest places! I honestly can't remember being this sore for quite some time. I'm amazed that a 20 minute workout can have this effect on me.
Granted, I am so out of shape and more than likely weigh more than I ever had, so it's no wonder this is hard and hurts. I'm really going to try to do it at least every other day until I get a little less sore, and then try to do it almost every day. I'm trying to keep my goals and expectations realistic, so we'll see.
I also bought a scale this week. I have not had a scale in my house/apartment in over 6 years. I typically try to gauge how I'm doing based on how my clothes fit. My clothes now are getting smaller and smaller all the time, so I thought I might need the numbers on the scale as added motivation. I'm going to keep track of my weight while I'm trying this new process, and we'll see if it makes a difference.
Each workout is about 20 minutes long and consists of 3 series of 6 minute ciruits (3 minutes>stength, 2 minutes>cardio, & 1 minute abs). There are 3 different levels/workouts on the DVD. I did the level one yesterday. It was hard!!! I'm sure feeling it today. Every time I move it hurts...in the strangest places! I honestly can't remember being this sore for quite some time. I'm amazed that a 20 minute workout can have this effect on me.
Granted, I am so out of shape and more than likely weigh more than I ever had, so it's no wonder this is hard and hurts. I'm really going to try to do it at least every other day until I get a little less sore, and then try to do it almost every day. I'm trying to keep my goals and expectations realistic, so we'll see.
I also bought a scale this week. I have not had a scale in my house/apartment in over 6 years. I typically try to gauge how I'm doing based on how my clothes fit. My clothes now are getting smaller and smaller all the time, so I thought I might need the numbers on the scale as added motivation. I'm going to keep track of my weight while I'm trying this new process, and we'll see if it makes a difference.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Who knew a video game could hurt?
So, we broke down and got the Wii we've been talking about for months on Tuesday. After two nights of playing...we are both pretty sore. The longer I'm awake today, the worse it gets. It's so crazy that a video game can do this! It's great!
Craig also has an xBox 360, which I absolutely despise. I don't play it, and I hate it when he does. I've never understood his "passion" for Halo...who just sits there for hours and hours playing a game. The Wii is a great compromise...it's something we can do together and have fun while doing it and it's not just lying on the couch watching TV (although we still do enough of that)!
I'm hoping we'll be adding to our game collection soon...it looks like there are lots of fun options to choose from!
Craig also has an xBox 360, which I absolutely despise. I don't play it, and I hate it when he does. I've never understood his "passion" for Halo...who just sits there for hours and hours playing a game. The Wii is a great compromise...it's something we can do together and have fun while doing it and it's not just lying on the couch watching TV (although we still do enough of that)!
I'm hoping we'll be adding to our game collection soon...it looks like there are lots of fun options to choose from!
Monday, February 16, 2009
A productive weekend
We started of the big Valentine's Day Weekend with some friends with dinner and the Chocolate Lover's Fantasy Friday night at Embassy Suites. It was a lot of fun and there was some super yummy chocolates to sample. Good times all around!
Saturday we slept in...awesome...and then got up and around and headed out to run some errands. First, we had lunch at Red Robin...so good! Then, we stopped by U-Stop to pick up some newspapers so Craig could see the last part of his gift...a hilarious "Love-Line" in the LJS. Then, we stopped by Petsmart to get Izzy a Valentine. Then, the best part of the trip out came when we went to Bed, Bath, & Beyond...I had seen a painting there last week for our living room, so Craig said that if he liked it that would be my gift. Long story short, we walked out of there with 6 different wall hangings. The best part was that we got a killer deal on all of them. After that, we ran out to the Home & Garden Show for a while. That's always fun to get ideas for the house...maybe someday we'll actually be able to do some of it! On the way home, we stopped at Hy-Vee to get the goodies for our awesome Valentine's dinner at home.
While I was getting things ready for dinner, Craig hung up all the paintings. They all look so good and a majority of my naked walls are covered! Awesome!
We had lemon chicken, cheesy potatoes, green bean casserole, and chocolate silk pie for dinner. It was so so so good! Best part, we had leftovers!
Yesterday, we spent the day cleaning the house and doing laundry...both of which seriously needed to be done! We capped off the weekend with some wings from Buffalo Wild Wings!
All and all it was a very good weekend, and I seriously didn't want to go to work today!
Saturday we slept in...awesome...and then got up and around and headed out to run some errands. First, we had lunch at Red Robin...so good! Then, we stopped by U-Stop to pick up some newspapers so Craig could see the last part of his gift...a hilarious "Love-Line" in the LJS. Then, we stopped by Petsmart to get Izzy a Valentine. Then, the best part of the trip out came when we went to Bed, Bath, & Beyond...I had seen a painting there last week for our living room, so Craig said that if he liked it that would be my gift. Long story short, we walked out of there with 6 different wall hangings. The best part was that we got a killer deal on all of them. After that, we ran out to the Home & Garden Show for a while. That's always fun to get ideas for the house...maybe someday we'll actually be able to do some of it! On the way home, we stopped at Hy-Vee to get the goodies for our awesome Valentine's dinner at home.
While I was getting things ready for dinner, Craig hung up all the paintings. They all look so good and a majority of my naked walls are covered! Awesome!
We had lemon chicken, cheesy potatoes, green bean casserole, and chocolate silk pie for dinner. It was so so so good! Best part, we had leftovers!
Yesterday, we spent the day cleaning the house and doing laundry...both of which seriously needed to be done! We capped off the weekend with some wings from Buffalo Wild Wings!
All and all it was a very good weekend, and I seriously didn't want to go to work today!
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
The End of an Era
Over the weekend, Craig and I moved some our best friends from Lincoln to Gretna. This was bittersweet for me. On one hand, I am so happy for them...they have a beautiful new house and exciting new opportunities for them in Gretna. On the other hand, it is the first time in my entire life I won't be in the same city as Amanda...I'm sad. I know Gretna isn't that far away, but you know how life is...busy, and things get in the way. I know we won't see them nearly enough. Just last night at our usual Monday night dinner gathering, it just wasn't the same without them there.
I guess that's what getting older is all about. Everyone goes their own ways to follow whatever it is they are following. It's sort of a weird time in life I guess...suddenly, we are at an age for buying houses, talking about kids, and "stable" jobs. When did this happen? Just a couple years ago, we were all in school, eating ramen noodles, and barely getting by. Maybe getting older isn't so bad. Good thing we have had so much fun along the way!
I guess that's what getting older is all about. Everyone goes their own ways to follow whatever it is they are following. It's sort of a weird time in life I guess...suddenly, we are at an age for buying houses, talking about kids, and "stable" jobs. When did this happen? Just a couple years ago, we were all in school, eating ramen noodles, and barely getting by. Maybe getting older isn't so bad. Good thing we have had so much fun along the way!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Lost in Thought
Do you ever find yourself lost in thought? Consumed by your own crazy worries? I do occasionally, and when it happens it freaks me out. I come from a long line of worriers, so it doesn't shock me that I worry about things. However, sometimes it just gets to me. Usually there's a catalyst that sets me off...a crazy show on TV, a story on the news, a weird sound late at night that I hadn't heard before, etc.
It usually happens when I'm really tired and trying to sleep. Something crazy will creep into my head and wham...I'm swimming in my own paranoia for hours, and the pattern can go on for days. Some are realistic worries, and some are just plain crazy. I'm not quite sure if this is healthy, but it drives me crazy when it happens. I'm grateful it doesn't happen that often.
I also think my job has a little to do with it sometimes. I work with life insurance day in and day out, so death and mortality are constantly in the forefront. It gets very morbid sometimes, so I try to not think about the end result of what I do. Sometimes, I just can't help myself.
I think I need something to occupy my time. Something good to think about when I need to, so all the bad thoughts/worries in the back of my mind don't get so bad. I must sound totally crazy! Yikes!
It usually happens when I'm really tired and trying to sleep. Something crazy will creep into my head and wham...I'm swimming in my own paranoia for hours, and the pattern can go on for days. Some are realistic worries, and some are just plain crazy. I'm not quite sure if this is healthy, but it drives me crazy when it happens. I'm grateful it doesn't happen that often.
I also think my job has a little to do with it sometimes. I work with life insurance day in and day out, so death and mortality are constantly in the forefront. It gets very morbid sometimes, so I try to not think about the end result of what I do. Sometimes, I just can't help myself.
I think I need something to occupy my time. Something good to think about when I need to, so all the bad thoughts/worries in the back of my mind don't get so bad. I must sound totally crazy! Yikes!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Love Hate Relationship
So I have a love hate relationship with a little pill called Topamax. I have been taking this wonder drug for the past 2 years to ward off my migraine headaches. While taking it, I had NO migraines...hence, why I call it a wonder drug and the "love" part of the relationship. This drug does have some really weird side effects...tingling in my hands & feet, loss of taste for carbonated drinks, really bad things happen with alcohol, etc.
My neurologist never wanted me to be on this long-term. He also very adamantly told me under no circumstances could I get pregnant while taking the medication. Once I was stable...no headaches of any significance for a long period of time, we would discuss stopping the use of Topamax. Well, that time came last summer...right before the wedding and the move into the the house. We decided after all of that was over and settled, I would begin tapering down my dosage. So, on October 1st I started lowering my dose 50mg every month. I stayed a little longer here and there at certain increments.
Now to the hate part of the relationship...from the first month of lowering my dosage I have had more and more headaches...but, these past few weeks have been awful. I have had more migraines in the last two weeks than the last two years! I feel like I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place. I really want my body to be a drug-free zone, so that when we are ready to try for a baby I don't have to worry about that...but, this just plain sucks! I also no longer have any tolerance for this kind of pain because I haven't had it for so long. I really don't know what to do, but I can't start this whole migraine fiasco all over again!
My neurologist never wanted me to be on this long-term. He also very adamantly told me under no circumstances could I get pregnant while taking the medication. Once I was stable...no headaches of any significance for a long period of time, we would discuss stopping the use of Topamax. Well, that time came last summer...right before the wedding and the move into the the house. We decided after all of that was over and settled, I would begin tapering down my dosage. So, on October 1st I started lowering my dose 50mg every month. I stayed a little longer here and there at certain increments.
Now to the hate part of the relationship...from the first month of lowering my dosage I have had more and more headaches...but, these past few weeks have been awful. I have had more migraines in the last two weeks than the last two years! I feel like I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place. I really want my body to be a drug-free zone, so that when we are ready to try for a baby I don't have to worry about that...but, this just plain sucks! I also no longer have any tolerance for this kind of pain because I haven't had it for so long. I really don't know what to do, but I can't start this whole migraine fiasco all over again!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
I have always had a little trouble with motivation. I tend to put things off until I really need to do them...I guess you call that procrastination. Although, I've never called myself a procrastinator. Anyway, I am finding more and more things I am lacking the motivation to do.
I have never been a work-out junkie. I HATE running! I find it hard to make working out a priority when I have other things I care about a whole lot more. Now all of a sudden I find my body changing for unknown reasons, I think I'm getting closer and closer to finding the motivation I need. I had already tried (just recently) to make a better effort with my food choices, but there's has to be more to it. We have been talking about joining a gym. Craig also keeps throwing around the Boflex idea. Both of these options require additional funds, so we'll see what we end up doing. I really wish it wasn't below zero out, so going on a long walk with Izzy was a viable option. I guess I'll have to wait a few months for that one!
I have also been having trouble getting motivated to continue the process of making our house a home. Granted...part of the problem is that some of the things I want to do require cash we don't necessarily have lying around, but some of it is pure lack of effort. We have things...gift, etc. that can/should totally have a real place in the house by now that doesn't consist of the basement storage room or the extra closet. Oh...and those naked walls are really starting to get to me. Maybe now that I have some gift cards from Christmas and it's sale season I can do it, but where to start?!? I'm pretty clueless when it comes to home decorating.
I guess those are the two main things bothering me at the moment. We'll see how the next few months so and if I make any significant progress. I sure hope so!
I have never been a work-out junkie. I HATE running! I find it hard to make working out a priority when I have other things I care about a whole lot more. Now all of a sudden I find my body changing for unknown reasons, I think I'm getting closer and closer to finding the motivation I need. I had already tried (just recently) to make a better effort with my food choices, but there's has to be more to it. We have been talking about joining a gym. Craig also keeps throwing around the Boflex idea. Both of these options require additional funds, so we'll see what we end up doing. I really wish it wasn't below zero out, so going on a long walk with Izzy was a viable option. I guess I'll have to wait a few months for that one!
I have also been having trouble getting motivated to continue the process of making our house a home. Granted...part of the problem is that some of the things I want to do require cash we don't necessarily have lying around, but some of it is pure lack of effort. We have things...gift, etc. that can/should totally have a real place in the house by now that doesn't consist of the basement storage room or the extra closet. Oh...and those naked walls are really starting to get to me. Maybe now that I have some gift cards from Christmas and it's sale season I can do it, but where to start?!? I'm pretty clueless when it comes to home decorating.
I guess those are the two main things bothering me at the moment. We'll see how the next few months so and if I make any significant progress. I sure hope so!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
A Good Night with Good Friends
Isn't it funny how much a great conversation with some great friends can change your mood?
Yesterday was just a blah day...and a Monday. Virtually nothing happening at work...still...and the weather constantly deteriorated all day long. Basically by the time 5 o'clock rolled around I had a classic case of the Monday blahs. Plus, to top it all off the wonderful low pressure system that rolled into Lincoln Monday afternoon gave me a very pleasant migraine headache. Wonderful!
Well, Monday's always have the bonus for us of the "Soup Night" get together with our closest friends. We all get together and whatever home is up in the rotation. We bring our favorite food items and spend the night eating and catching up on the last week's activities. It gives all of something to look forward to on those awful, blah Mondays. Last night's gathering was one of the best in my opinion.
The conversation at the girl table was random, hilarious, and educating. We talked about everything from Siamese twins to soup recipes...and everything in between. While I was there, but headache subsided and I was able to relax. By the end of the night, we had all scheduled when we're having babies and went home with full tummies and smiles on our faces. Last night was a classic example of why we do this every week (virtually without fail). It was exactly what I needed after a long day/weekend! Thanks girls!
The downside, but the time we got home my headache was raging again (worse than before). We caught up on our DVR shows from Monday (CSI: Miami & the Bachelor) and went to bed. The good news today...so far, no sign of the headache!
Yesterday was just a blah day...and a Monday. Virtually nothing happening at work...still...and the weather constantly deteriorated all day long. Basically by the time 5 o'clock rolled around I had a classic case of the Monday blahs. Plus, to top it all off the wonderful low pressure system that rolled into Lincoln Monday afternoon gave me a very pleasant migraine headache. Wonderful!
Well, Monday's always have the bonus for us of the "Soup Night" get together with our closest friends. We all get together and whatever home is up in the rotation. We bring our favorite food items and spend the night eating and catching up on the last week's activities. It gives all of something to look forward to on those awful, blah Mondays. Last night's gathering was one of the best in my opinion.
The conversation at the girl table was random, hilarious, and educating. We talked about everything from Siamese twins to soup recipes...and everything in between. While I was there, but headache subsided and I was able to relax. By the end of the night, we had all scheduled when we're having babies and went home with full tummies and smiles on our faces. Last night was a classic example of why we do this every week (virtually without fail). It was exactly what I needed after a long day/weekend! Thanks girls!
The downside, but the time we got home my headache was raging again (worse than before). We caught up on our DVR shows from Monday (CSI: Miami & the Bachelor) and went to bed. The good news today...so far, no sign of the headache!
Monday, January 12, 2009
Welcome To My Blog
I've been reading more and more blogs lately, so I thought I would give it a try. I am constantly finding myself with random thoughts so I would imagine this blog would be fairly random at times.
If you don't know me, I'm a newlywed (since August), first-time homeowner, and first-time pet parent within the last 6 months. It's been one crazy ride, but a whole lot of fun. Craig and I are still adjusting to all of it, but so far so good.
Craig and I have been together for over 7 1/2 years...yes, we're high school sweethearts! We went all through college at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, and after we both graduated we decided it was high time to tie the knot. We grew up about 11 miles apart and our families have known each other long before we were ever born.
We bought our first home last June, but didn't move in until after our wedding in August. It's starting to feel more and more like home, but the walls are still naked. I really need to get into the home decorating thing...maybe after tax refund time!
We got our adorable little puppy, Izzy, on September 20th. She's a beagle and lots of fun! Considering, I have never had a dog before this was a huge deal for me, but I haven't regretted it for a minute! I'm still amazed how much she has changed our lives...for the better of course!
According to just about everyone we talk too, it seems like the next logical step is a little one ( a baby). No immediate plans as of right now, but we'll see what happens after while!
If you don't know me, I'm a newlywed (since August), first-time homeowner, and first-time pet parent within the last 6 months. It's been one crazy ride, but a whole lot of fun. Craig and I are still adjusting to all of it, but so far so good.
Craig and I have been together for over 7 1/2 years...yes, we're high school sweethearts! We went all through college at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, and after we both graduated we decided it was high time to tie the knot. We grew up about 11 miles apart and our families have known each other long before we were ever born.
We bought our first home last June, but didn't move in until after our wedding in August. It's starting to feel more and more like home, but the walls are still naked. I really need to get into the home decorating thing...maybe after tax refund time!
We got our adorable little puppy, Izzy, on September 20th. She's a beagle and lots of fun! Considering, I have never had a dog before this was a huge deal for me, but I haven't regretted it for a minute! I'm still amazed how much she has changed our lives...for the better of course!
According to just about everyone we talk too, it seems like the next logical step is a little one ( a baby). No immediate plans as of right now, but we'll see what happens after while!
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