Now, we're trying to figure out what color to paint. We have white furniture and the room itself gets a lot of sunlight. I'm having a hard time finding something i like. The actual fabric colors are a little more dark (not as bright) as the pictures show. I'm starting to lean toward a two color combo with a chair rail or painted stripe as a divider. Any suggestions would be most appreciated!
In other news, Izzy has her yearly shots last week. Craig said she handled them like a champ, but she was sure worn out that evening. I'm glad she won't have to get any more for a while. She is up to 23.3 pounds...hard to believe when she started at about 7lbs when we got her. Funny story from a few nights ago...I dozed off watching some TV in bed before bedtime and woke up to Izzy scratching my belly--which was hanging out. It didn't hurt, just startled me. I'm not sure if she was trying to communicated with her future sibling or what, but it made me laugh!
We have an exciting next week or so planned. Obviously, the first big thing is the ultrasound/doctor's appointment tomorrow. This weekend we are headed down to KC for the Chiefs game. Craig works with a company down there that has offered us two tickets. It will be nice to get away for a day. Izzy will be spoiled here as Uncle Chip is coming to hang out with her! After than we're back to work for two days and then home for the Thanksgiving holiday. Craig's brother and family have decided to head east for Thanksgiving this year and stay home for Christmas, so we will also be celebrating the Christmas holiday with them while they are back. This will most likely be the only time we see them throughout the pregnancy, so I'm really looking forward to it. Oh, and we really miss those kids so we are always excited to see them...so is Izzy!
I'll post more after tomorrow's appointment, so that's it for now!
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