Delaney playing with Grandma Jaccie & Daddy
Little Miss D spent the weekend getting spoiled rotten by all of her grandparents and her aunt and uncles. She was completely doted on from Friday night until Sunday afternoon. This is one lucky little girl! She got to spend some time with all of her grandparents and great grandparents, as well as her Aunt Jess & Uncle Nick who she hadn't seen for almost 2 months! She even saw her Uncle Brent & Aunt Buffye for a little while and Uncle Chip & Lauren. She has been trying to recover for two days. She's taken some serious naps at daycare! Here she is with all her peeps!Over the weekend, Izzy got really sick again with her bladder infection. She was one sad little puppy while we were home. She's been battling this for quite a while. Our vet yesterday discovered that Izzy is on the verge of getting stones in her bladder, so we are trying to prevent that! We are now on the most powerful antibiotic available and a prescription dog food for two weeks. Then, she'll spend an entire day at the vet for further observation. Poor puppy, it's so sad to watch her suffer!
It seems like everyone has been sick lately. Craig missed a day of work last week, Izzy's sick, Delaney's cousins have been sick--Tyler had a 106 degree fever this morning! (He's doing better now, thank God!) It seems like so many people are fighting off crazy viruses. It's no fun for anyone! I hope everybody starts feeling better soon! I've been drinking my orange juice and washing my hands hoping to stay healthy!
While I'm writing, I'll share my awesome story from today. We had Delaney's 6 month pictures taken this evening, and last night I tried on the outfit I had planned for her to wear only to find that she has not yet grown into it. Needless to say, I panicked and decided to make a trip down to South Pointe at lunch today to find a last minute replacement. As I was walking up to the BabyGap, I caught my flip flop on a seam in the sidewalk. Next thing I know, my purse is flying, and I'm face down sprawled out on the concrete. My hands are cut, my knees are bruised and scraped. Of course it was a beautiful day at lunchtime, so there were a ton of people sitting on nearby benches enjoying the show. Three nice ladies helped me collect my purse contents and helped me to my feet. Honestly, why does this stuff always happen to me? The only bright side was that I somehow managed to not rip my new jeans even though I scraped my knees underneath. Thanks goodness! I wish someone was taping me, as I'm sure I could have won some money!
Delaney partying at the farm!
So, we had Delaney's 6 month pictures taken tonight. She was such a good girl. She didn't totally cut loose and ham it up, but she did so well! She sit, she stood, she smiled, and she stuck her tongue out a lot! I can't wait to see how they turn out, but we'll have to wait a couple weeks for the proofs! Craig got a little creative with some of the shots, so we'll see how those look! I'll post a link as soon as I have one!
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