Fall is finally upon us with all it's glory! We've been enjoying the great weather and some long awaited football! Delaney is becoming quite the football fan! It's pretty cute to watch her watch the games on TV! I'm having a great time getting her all dolled up for game day! We still need to work on some Packer's gear, but we're sufficiently stocked for the Huskers & the Chiefs!

The last week was a quick one with the Labor Day holiday last Monday. It seemed to make the rest of the week fly by, which was nice. We didn't have much going on aside from work and daycare, which was good because this weekend has been pretty crazy! Craig and I got to go to the Husker game yesterday! It was a fun day, and Delaney was sufficiently spoiled by Uncle Darin & Aunt Janna! She even got to go to her first soccer game and cheer on her Cousin Kayla!

Craig took off this afternoon for his boy's trip to Kansas City. They are going to the Royals game tomorrow afternoon and the Chief's game tomorrow night. He is so excited! He was like a little kid on Christmas this morning. He has been looking forward to this weekend since the Chiefs schedule was announced last Spring. We will miss him here!

I'm looking forward to this week too! We are finally getting our new refrigerator on Tuesday! I'm sort of
geeking out about this fridge...I'm so excited! I'm also getting my hair done on Thursday night, which I'm super excited about as well. I haven't done anything to it since June, so it's time for some sprucing up! I'm torn as to what to do with it, any suggestions?
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