Thursday, August 19, 2010
5 Months
How is it possible that our little girl is already five months old?!? This last month has seriously flown by. It seems like it's been one thing right after the other since we got back from Okoboji. Delaney has spent most of her fourth month of life fighting with some teeth. We still haven't had anything "pop" through, but I think we are getting really close with the bottom two. They just look like they hurt. I hope they come through soon, I miss my happy little baby!
Another challenge we faced this month was transitioning Delaney out of her bassinet in our room and into her crib in her room. We decided to give it a whirl one night, and we haven't looked back. She loves it in there! She has plenty of room to stretch out and lots of crazy things to look at! She loves her bedding that my rock star friend Kaitlyn made for her! She has continued to sleep all night since moving down the hall, and when she wakes up she doesn't cry she just looks around and coos--even the one time she woke up at 4 a.m. When I go in to get her every morning, it's one of my favorites times of the day. As soon as I say, "Good morning sunshine!" she lights up with a huge grin on her face and flails her arms around. She's so happy & excited! It makes me feel a little bad that we didn't do it soon, since she seems so happy with it! We are so blessed to have such a good little sleeper...but, why am I still soooo exhausted?
Delaney has been busy growing this month. A couple weeks ago, she moved onto Size 2 Diapers and size 6 months clothes. She has definitely "chunked" up. I have already found a couple 6 month outfits that she will never be able to wear thanks to her fat rolls. One was a dress that had little puff sleeves that were way too tight on her arms. I had to take it off immediately! Another was a pair of little green pants. I put them on and they were so tight on her little thunder thighs and around her little Buddha belly that I took those off right away too. I really hope to have a baby niece soon to hand some of these things down too since we haven't gotten to use them! (hint, hint Jess & Nick!) She weighed in at a whopping 15.6 pounds and 25.25 inches long. Our little peanut gained 2 pounds and grew a quarter or an inch in one month!
She continues to have bright blue eyes like her Daddy and auburn-ish hair. She has managed to wear a bald spot into the back of her head while playing with her favorite toy...her activity gym! She seriously loves that thing! I'm honestly considering a hair color change myself just so I have something that looks like her. She is still a little clone to her Daddy. She may have my nose (although not crooked like mine) and my toes, but that's about it.
She eats like her Daddy too! She now eats 6oz about every 3-4 hours during the day. We are going through our huge freezer stash at record pace. We are going to explore the wonderful world of baby food & cereal in the coming weeks. I'm excited to see how she does with that, even though it doesn't seem possible that she's old enough for that! I'm hoping it will help with her spitting up as she is quite a little spitter. She doesn't have acid reflux, she's just a spitter. We do a lot of laundry. We got her high chair out and put together last night, and I got her bowls and spoons washed & ready. I think we'll give it a whirl is bath night after all!
Delaney has changed a lot this month. She smiles all the time and now even really giggles from time to time too. She's extremely ticklish, and loves to be tickled. She also actually plays now. She notices her toys and loves to grab and hold onto to them while kicking and screaming. She has found her voice and makes crazy noises all the time. She has also mastered the art of blowing's adorable! She really likes her bath time, and prefers Daddy to give her a bath. She's getting to wear she is starting to splash and play in there. I think she's on the verge of finding her toes, which I'm looking forward to. She is also a pro at tummy time and rolling from tummy to back. There's been a few times when I thought she was going to go the other way, but she didn't quite make it! She's a busy little girl! I think it's time to start baby proofing! We love you D!
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