I think I will sum up the last month of Delaney's little life as...BUSY! She has become quite the busy little, curious, ornery, and mobile little girl! She started crawling a few weeks ago, and has since discovered so many things. She has discovered power cords, is hearing the word "NO" and her middle name quite often, and her favorite new toy is Izzy's kennel. I'm bracing myself for when she starts running all over the place. Oh my....

We did some imprecise measurements tonight after dinner, and she weighed in at 21.4 pounds. She didn't gain much this past month, but I think that's good considering that horrible virus we battled for a good 2 weeks right at Christmastime. I know she lost a little weight then. We measured her length to be 29 inches, but she was pretty squirmy when we did, so we'll call it a guesstimate! She is wearing mainly 12 month clothes, and they fit her perfectly right now! She's also wearing size 3 diapers. She is still refusing to wear bows most of the time, but once in a great while I can sneak a small one in for a bit. Her hair, by the way, is coming in so nicely. It's getting long, and it appears to be pretty thick. It seems to be a sandy brown color. (I may have to go back to my natural hair color for the first time in many years just to see how close it is!)

She is become quite the experimental eater these days. She is trying new things all the time, and is getting better and better at feeding herself. She seems to prefer to feed herself most of the time. She still eats mainly oatmeal cereal and pureed fruits and veggies. We have gradually been working in more and more table food. She has tried beef and chicken--it seems she prefers the chicken. She has also tried bread, cheese, yogurt, and many fresh fruits and vegetables. Such a big girl!

We have quite the party girl here. She loves to play and explore on her own. She's a very chill, low-key girl most of the time. She loves things that make music, and has even started shaking her booty when the right mood strikes her. Her favorite is the
iPad commercial! She'll stop in her tracks and just start bouncing her booty to the song! It's pretty funny! She has also taken an interest in the Baby Einstein videos. This allows me to get ready for work a little easier in the mornings...probably a "mom fail". Her favorite so far seems to be the Baby Galileo...maybe she'll be an astronaut.

Obviously, the crawling has been the major milestone of the month. She has had a few others. She celebrated her first Christmas with all her friends and family. She has started pulling up on anything and everything. She has started her first round of swimming lessons. She battled her first illness. She played in the snow for the first time. She attended her first birthday party for one of her best friends. She's been a busy girl! Can't wait to spend another month with a wonderful little peanut!
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