We traveled up North on Friday to celebrate with everyone. Everyone was so excited for Delaney's first Christmas, and boy was she spoiled! That girl got gifts everywhere we went. It was a bit ridiculous! She got lots of toys, clothes, and books! What more could a little girl ask for! She even figured out how to open the gifts, although she enjoyed tasting all the paper and bows far more than what was inside! She was pretty funny with all her gifts. She would open one, check it out, and than smile and clap. It was adorable. She was a clapping fool this weekend!
Practicing her clapping skills with Grandpa!
Hanging out with my peanut!
More presents!
Yep! I'm spoiled!
Check this out!
Considering how miserable she felt, Delaney handled the crazy weekend fairly well. She skipped a few naps here and there, but she maintained a jolly mood for all the festivities. She didn't even have much of the stranger anxiety I was so worried about! She spent serious time with all of her grandparents, great-grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. Not to mention the many extended family she also got to see. She loved all the attention! I'm afraid we are creating a diva!
What!?! Santa comes to Grandma's house too?!?
Look Mom, all my new things!
It must be a special day, I even wore a little bow for a while!
Getting squeezed by my crazy cousins, Jaiden & Tyler!
My cousin Sydney always makes me laugh!
We all came home very tired and overwhelmed by the generosity of our families! Not only was Delaney completely spoiled, Craig and I were too! We are so blessed! All weekend long, I kept thinking about how special this Christmas was, and how because of one little person it all means so much more! This was the tenth Christmas Craig and I have spent together, and they seem to be better every year! I'm so excited to see what the next ten have in store for us!
Here are all three of my cousins...
Our family of 3 (plus Izzy, of course)
The entire Mencke clan
Little Miss D hanging with Aunt Leah!
Considering how miserable she felt, Delaney handled the crazy weekend fairly well. She skipped a few naps here and there, but she maintained a jolly mood for all the festivities. She didn't even have much of the stranger anxiety I was so worried about! She spent serious time with all of her grandparents, great-grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. Not to mention the many extended family she also got to see. She loved all the attention! I'm afraid we are creating a diva!
We all came home very tired and overwhelmed by the generosity of our families! Not only was Delaney completely spoiled, Craig and I were too! We are so blessed! All weekend long, I kept thinking about how special this Christmas was, and how because of one little person it all means so much more! This was the tenth Christmas Craig and I have spent together, and they seem to be better every year! I'm so excited to see what the next ten have in store for us!
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