We kicked off the year with a serious New Years' Eve Celebration for Jessica & Nick's wedding! Oh, the stories we could tell about that night...I think my favorite has to be Craig & Nick's heart-to-heart "Welcome to the family...." discussion at side-by-side urinals at the Blair Mini Mart on our way to the hotel in Omaha. Talk about awkward! We also met one of Delaney's future boyfriends that month, when Reed Reinhart was born on January 12th. He came 3 weeks early, so he was a pseudo-shock to our system to get everything done before our baby's arrival.
We did a lot of things around the house to prepare for our baby in February...assembled the crib, put the finishing touches on the nursery, stocked up on diapers, etc. It was far too cold to be doing anything else anyway. We also had a wonderful baby shower at Auntie Jess's house, and we got a taste of how spoiled our little peanut was going to be. Delaney's second boyfriend made his appearance in February 23rd...Parker Aerni!
March was a whirlwind of doctors appointments, babies, and visitors! Obviously, the most newsworthy occurrence of March was the birth of our beautiful little girl on March 19th! Our doctors had prepared us for the possibility of the baby having to come early, and she did at 36 weeks! It was a crazy, amazing experience! Delaney Jo was born at 12:05p.m., weighed 5lb 12oz, and measured 18.5 in. long. The perfect little bundle!
April was a month of adjustment for us. We were learning the ins and outs of being parents, and figuring out how to function without our normal sleep! Our little peanut started spending more and more time awake, and I was still healing from the c-section. We hung out at home most of the month, and we even hosted an Easter celebration for our immediate families so that we didn't have to go anywhere! Our goals that month were to bath and get dressed every day, and we achieved that goal almost every day!
We started getting a little more adventurous in May. Delaney and I had a few outings...lunch with Daddy, visits to my office, etc. It was about mid-May when Delaney started consistently sleeping through the night, which we all appreciated! What a little rockstar! As the month dragged on, I was getting close and closer to D-Day--returning to work! I had a "Mommy Freak Out" right before Memorial Day and decided to change daycares 10 days before we were scheduled to start. (I am soooo thankful that I listened to my gut on this one! Phew!)
June was another transition month for us. I started back to work on June 1st, and it took a while to get back in the swing of things. It also took awhile for Delaney and I to figure out how to be ready and out of the house on time--we still have a little trouble with this some days! We spent the evenings in June taking many walks, which both Izzy & Delaney enjoyed!
July was a big month. We started it off with a big weekend trip home to Tekamah for the 4th of July with all the family! Then, we baptized Delaney on the 11th in front of all her grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins! It was such a special day for all of us! We then took our first official family vacation with Delaney to Okoboji...a week of fun in the sun! After we got home, we celebrated Craig and Izzy's birthdays!
We hosted a 30th Anniversary party for my parents on August 7th (they were married 8/8/80). Craig and I celebrated our second year of wedded bliss on August 8th. We were a little bummed we didn't have any leftover wedding cake to eat this year. August was also the month at Delaney's crazy cousins moved back to Omaha from Colorado, which was an exciting time for the entire Mencke family.
We spent a lot of time at the vet's office in September trying to get Izzy healed from a UTI...no fun! However, the biggest event of the month was the kickoff of football season. Craig started it off by a boys trip to Kansas City for a season-opener Monday Night Football game at Arrowhead. The Chiefs beat the Charges in a monsoon, and Craig came home more than optimistic about this season's promise!
October marked a month full of fun firsts for Delaney. We had her first trip to the pumpkin patch with the daycare kids! We also took her on a date with her boyfriend Parker to Boo at the Zoo. We ended the month with lots of pictures of our little pumpkin in her cow costume. She was absolutely adorable!
A month of football, food, and shopping is what November was for us! We spent the Thanksgiving holidays up North with the families. Delaney was a serious party girl that weekend and pretty much refused to sleep! I had my annual Black Friday shopping excursion with my mom, which was a total success! But, we had to cut our holiday weekend short and come home early so that D could get some rest!
As usual, December was a crazy month. We spent the first weekend in Kansas City with my parents, showing D the sights, eating some yummy food, and doing some shopping! We then came home and geared up for Delaney's first Christmas! I tried to start some traditions with her, like new pjs for Christmas eve, and a night out looking at Christmas lights, etc. It was the best Christmas I can remember! It was so special!