Happy late Birthday Craig!
Happy Late Birthday honey! I was too busy planning your surprise birthday dinner out with all your friends to get this posted yesterday! Izzy, Delaney, and I hope you had a great day! We love you so much! Thank you for all you do for us! You're a great daddy & husband, we are so lucky to have you!
Even though I'm a day late, I thought it might be fun to take a stroll down memory lane with some of my favorite pictures of Craig in honor of his 27th birthday! Considering I had over 9 years of material to pick from, it was really hard to narrow it down to these! Enjoy!
Here is Craig the night he "discovered" beer! He had just finished shot gunning a beer racing Kelley and had to make a trip to worship the porcelain gods before this picture. And, yes, that is a Menards vest!
Here is Craig and baby Sydney the summer after she was born. He was so smitten with his new niece. The night she was born, I literally had to pull him away from the nursery window and promise to return the next day.
This is Craig crammed into a tiny Dodge Neon on our first trip to Vegas. We had 7 people in this tiny little car, and I snapped this picture by holding my arm out of the window! All to save a few bucks and not get a cab.
Here is Craig & Jaiden a few summers ago. Those two have had a very special bond since she was born. Craig actually saw and held her before Brent did!
Here is Slash, aka Craig at an '80s party. He had a lot of fun as he absolutely is an '80s rock fan.
This is the two of us at Amanda & Scott's wedding. This is one of my favorite pictures of us! We had such a great time that night...it's hard to believe it's already been 3 years since then! We love you guys!
Craig thinking he's pretty cool on his birthday a few years ago! We had seen the Simpsons movie (as Craig requested, of course) and then decided to hang out at Woody's afterward. Craig enjoyed a few beers...
Here's Uncle Craig being a bad influence on his nephew Tyler. He introduced him to pop at a very young age. Auntie Buffye is already threatening to return the favor with Delaney!
Here us on our wedding day with all of our favorite people! I look at this picture all the time as all the facial expressions are priceless!
This was the night Craig decided to be Tom Cruise from Risky Business for Halloween! Yes, he actually left the house and went out in public without pants on...he did have to drink about 12 beers before doing so!
This was Craig last summer playing with Greyson, our favorite little neighbor dude! Craig and I love this little kid!
In an effort to top his Risky Business performance, last Halloween Craig teams up with his usual partner in crime and went as Ace & Gary the Ambiguously Gay Duo. Head to toe spandex...
Craig decided to welcome Nick to the Bryant clan with a sloppy wet kiss! He also had a heart to heart with Nick later that night side-by-side at the urinals at a gas station on the way to the hotel!
This picture could be taken about 5 times a week. Here's Craig & Izzy cuddling. Izzy is a daddy's girl through and through!
Here's the last picture of Craig before he became a dad. As you can tell, he was just a little bit excited to meet his beautiful baby girl (or boy as we still didn't know at this point!)
Here's Craig & Delaney (clones) a couple months ago after a trip to the zoo. She looks so much like him, it's scary sometimes! She loves her daddy, and he adores her!
This was taken Father's Day weekend. I just love the way they are gazing into each other's eyes...which happen to be the same gorgeous blue eyes!So, I hope you enjoyed these! Thanks for so many wonderful memories, Craig! I hope year 27 is the best yet! Love you!
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