Saturday, July 31, 2010
4 Months...a little late
Our little Delaney Jo turned 4 months old almost 2 weeks ago, but I was without internet access at the time, so I'm a little late with this post. All of these pictures were taken on her actual 4 month birthday, July 19th. She was enjoying her first swimming experience lakeside in Okoboji! I think she's going to be a water baby. She had a great time just chilling in her little pool, splashing around! I'm planning to get her into the Float for Life classes as soon as she's old enough...I think they start around 9 months! Anyway, here's the latest in the wonderful world of Delaney at 4 months!
Just two days before her 4 months birthday, Delaney celebrated a major milestone...she rolled over! Of course, I have yet to catch this with a camera, but she had done it about 8 times now! While we were on vacation all we had was a tile floor, so she couldn't really get the hang of it there, but we're relearning now that we're back at home with carpet and so far she's doing great!
She had her official 4 month doctor's appointment last Monday, and boy has our little girl grown like a weed! She now weighs in at 13 pounds 10oz and measures about 24 1/2 inches long! She's in the 70th percentile for height. Looks like she might be tall like her daddy! She's exactly where she should be size and developmentally-wise. You'd never know that she was a whole month early! We also got the go ahead to try rice cereal on Monday. I plan to do that this weekend. I wanted her to get through all the potential side affects of her immunizations and also get over her first cold we've been battling before throwing "food" into the mix. I think by this weekend we should be good to go. We'll get out her high chair and wash up all her bowls & spoons. I can't believe my tiny little baby is ready for all of this!
Delaney is firmly in size 3 month clothes, except for anything that is footed...she's too long! There's that height again. She is just about ready to outgrow her size 1 diapers. They are "suddenly" tighter this week, so we are working our way through our last package. We'll move onto a box of Size 1-2 next week. Such a big girl! I think we are at the beginning stages of teething. She has really started some lovely drooling over the last couple weeks, along with her usual crazy amount of spit up. She also seems to be putting everything into her mouth and just gnawing away. The doctors says this can continue for quite awhile before we actually see a tooth, so we're just trying to keep her as comfortable as we can. We are now stocked up on teething rings, Baby Oralgel, and teething tablets!
She is still the best little sleeper we could ask for. She sleeps from about 10pm to 7am (give or take) every night and has since she was about 9 weeks old. She's still in her bassinet right now, but we will soon be transitioning to her crib in her own room. I wanted her to get through the immunizations and this cold before moving her. I will miss her being so close, but she's getting to the point where she doesn't look too comfortable in her small bassinet. She likes to sprawl out while she sleeps, and with her being so long that's getting harder to do in the bassinet! I hope to have her in her crib all night every night by 5 months...wish us luck!
She had more firsts this last month. Obviously she was baptized, but that's more of a one & only than a "first". She did attend her first movie, Despicable Me 3D, with her cousins. She slept through the whole thing. She also got her first pedicure...we found this great stuff called Piggy Paint. It's nail polish that is safe for little ones! Moms of baby girls, check it out! She got her first! She was a pretty unhappy little girl for a couple days, but it seems to be getting better. I knew she would eventually get sick, but I didn't think it would happen this soon! She also took her first vacation to Okoboji last week! Aside from starting the teething stuff and getting her first cold, she did so well! We went to so many places and did so many things, and she was such a trooper. She also handled the long car ride so well! She also had her first boat ride last week on Uncle Nick's boat...she loved it! She is becoming so playful and vocal. She will just lay on the floor and kick & flail about. She is also finding her voice. She's starting to "talk" to herself more and more, and we're getting giggles out of her more often. That's now my favorite noise! She loves music and is becoming a TV addict. I need to get some Baby Einstein DVDs because I think she would really like them. I'm not sure how well she sees, but I think she likes the music and colors of the TV. We have such a good baby! I can't believe she's already 4 months old! We love you peanut!
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Happy late Birthday Craig!
Happy Late Birthday honey! I was too busy planning your surprise birthday dinner out with all your friends to get this posted yesterday! Izzy, Delaney, and I hope you had a great day! We love you so much! Thank you for all you do for us! You're a great daddy & husband, we are so lucky to have you!
Even though I'm a day late, I thought it might be fun to take a stroll down memory lane with some of my favorite pictures of Craig in honor of his 27th birthday! Considering I had over 9 years of material to pick from, it was really hard to narrow it down to these! Enjoy!
Here is Craig the night he "discovered" beer! He had just finished shot gunning a beer racing Kelley and had to make a trip to worship the porcelain gods before this picture. And, yes, that is a Menards vest!
Here is Craig and baby Sydney the summer after she was born. He was so smitten with his new niece. The night she was born, I literally had to pull him away from the nursery window and promise to return the next day.
This is Craig crammed into a tiny Dodge Neon on our first trip to Vegas. We had 7 people in this tiny little car, and I snapped this picture by holding my arm out of the window! All to save a few bucks and not get a cab.
Here is Craig & Jaiden a few summers ago. Those two have had a very special bond since she was born. Craig actually saw and held her before Brent did!
Here is Slash, aka Craig at an '80s party. He had a lot of fun as he absolutely is an '80s rock fan.
This is the two of us at Amanda & Scott's wedding. This is one of my favorite pictures of us! We had such a great time that's hard to believe it's already been 3 years since then! We love you guys!
Craig thinking he's pretty cool on his birthday a few years ago! We had seen the Simpsons movie (as Craig requested, of course) and then decided to hang out at Woody's afterward. Craig enjoyed a few beers...
Here's Uncle Craig being a bad influence on his nephew Tyler. He introduced him to pop at a very young age. Auntie Buffye is already threatening to return the favor with Delaney!
Here us on our wedding day with all of our favorite people! I look at this picture all the time as all the facial expressions are priceless!
This was the night Craig decided to be Tom Cruise from Risky Business for Halloween! Yes, he actually left the house and went out in public without pants on...he did have to drink about 12 beers before doing so!
This was Craig last summer playing with Greyson, our favorite little neighbor dude! Craig and I love this little kid!
In an effort to top his Risky Business performance, last Halloween Craig teams up with his usual partner in crime and went as Ace & Gary the Ambiguously Gay Duo. Head to toe spandex...
Craig decided to welcome Nick to the Bryant clan with a sloppy wet kiss! He also had a heart to heart with Nick later that night side-by-side at the urinals at a gas station on the way to the hotel!
This picture could be taken about 5 times a week. Here's Craig & Izzy cuddling. Izzy is a daddy's girl through and through!
Here's the last picture of Craig before he became a dad. As you can tell, he was just a little bit excited to meet his beautiful baby girl (or boy as we still didn't know at this point!)
Here's Craig & Delaney (clones) a couple months ago after a trip to the zoo. She looks so much like him, it's scary sometimes! She loves her daddy, and he adores her!
This was taken Father's Day weekend. I just love the way they are gazing into each other's eyes...which happen to be the same gorgeous blue eyes!
So, I hope you enjoyed these! Thanks for so many wonderful memories, Craig! I hope year 27 is the best yet! Love you!
Even though I'm a day late, I thought it might be fun to take a stroll down memory lane with some of my favorite pictures of Craig in honor of his 27th birthday! Considering I had over 9 years of material to pick from, it was really hard to narrow it down to these! Enjoy!

So, I hope you enjoyed these! Thanks for so many wonderful memories, Craig! I hope year 27 is the best yet! Love you!
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Happy Birthday Izzy!
I thought I had this "scheduled" to post on Izzy's actual birthday, but apparently not! She turned 2 on July 17th!
Hi Izzy,
Even though we are far apart, we are still thinking of you and missing you on your second Birthday! We hope you're having fun at Doggie Daycare today, and enjoying all the other puppies on your birthday! We will be home soon, and plan to celebrate your birthday along with Daddy's. You will still have your birthday cheeseburger, it will just be a few days late!
We love you!
Love, Mommy, Daddy, and your baby
Here's a little walk down memory lane through the last 2 years with Izzy!
This is my favorite puppy picture of Izzy! We took this the day we got Izzy, September 26, 2008! My how she's changed, but boy was she a cute little puppy!
This is one of my all time favorite pictures of Izzy! It's hard to remember she was small enough for this little ensemble, but she sure made one cute little Underdog! Now, the costume is way too small for her since she's all grown up!
This is a classic picture of Izzy! We get this look a lot from her. It's crazy how brown her face and ears have gotten compared to her puppy pictures!
Here's Izzy last Christmas in her pretty sweater! Izzy is not a fan of the snow & cold, so with this past crazy winter, we got her this little sweater. She loved it! She would go get it and bring it to us to put on her when she was cold!
Here's Izzy helping us get Delaney's room ready. She loved hanging out in there with us while we were getting it all ready. She still likes to hang out in there when we're in there with Delaney!
Here's the biggest shock to Izzy's world...Delaney. Izzy has been a great big sister to D, and Delaney is starting to notice Izzy more and more every day! They will be great friends!
Hi Izzy,
Even though we are far apart, we are still thinking of you and missing you on your second Birthday! We hope you're having fun at Doggie Daycare today, and enjoying all the other puppies on your birthday! We will be home soon, and plan to celebrate your birthday along with Daddy's. You will still have your birthday cheeseburger, it will just be a few days late!
We love you!
Love, Mommy, Daddy, and your baby
Here's a little walk down memory lane through the last 2 years with Izzy!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010
One Blessed Baby...
We had one very special weekend! Delaney Jo was baptized on Sunday! It was a great day. She got to spend it with all of her grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. She truly is one blessed little girl! She tolerated all of it very well. She got hungry right before the actual baptism, but we managed to feed her quickly and she did very well afterwards. She was so cute when Fr. Kelly was anointing her with the oils and giving her the blessings. She just stared up at him with her big, blue eyes! Here are some pictures from Sunday! Enjoy! We're busy this week preparing for our big trip to Lake Okoboji next week! Yippee!
Here she is getting baptized! She squirmed a little big, but didn't cry much, even when the holy water got in her eyes!
This is how she was for the rest of the baptism ceremony...wide eyed, taking it all in! It's almost like she knew how important it was and that it was all about her!
Here's Delaney with her godparents...Uncle Brent, Aunt Jessica, & Uncle Nick. She's one lucky little girl to have all of them looking out for her!
Here's a family photo of the day. Craig ditched he tie as soon as we got to Lazlo's for lunch, but I think we all look pretty good nonetheless! Didn't Delaney look cute?!?
Here's the Bryant clan! We were a rather colorful bunch on Sunday! I'm so glad everyone was able to share the day with us!
We finally took the 4 Generation photo on Sunday. Here we are, baby, mom, Grandma, Great-Grandma! We're pretty lucky to have this opportunity!
Here's the Mencke family! We were so excited Brent, Buffye, and the kids were able to spend Delaney's special day with us! They made a special trip back from Colorado just for her! We missed Great-Grandma & Great-Grandpa Wortman, but I hear Grandma's feeling a lot better!
Like I said, it was a crazy, fun weekend! We cannot thank our families enough for taking the time to make it such a special day for Delaney! We are so blessed, and Delaney is one loved little girl!
Like I said, it was a crazy, fun weekend! We cannot thank our families enough for taking the time to make it such a special day for Delaney! We are so blessed, and Delaney is one loved little girl!
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Happy 4th of July
We had another great holiday back in the Tekamah area! We got to spend some quality time with Craig's family...including his brother, sister-in-law, and their kids! Delaney enjoys being entertained with her cousins, and they are pretty infatuated with her. It works out nicely for everyone. Aren't they so cute in their matching outfits!?!
Even though the weather wasn't the greatest, the annual Tekamah Parade with off without a hitch. Here's how Delaney spent her first parade. It's fun to think about next yeah when she'll be running around with all the other kids trying to get all the candy!
After the parade we had lunch with all of my family, and Delaney continued to be doted on. Here she is smiling at her Grandpa! As you can tell, she likes him just as much as he likes her! They're a match made in heaven!
Look at those big blue eyes! Everyone had a lot of fun with her this weekend, and she tolerated it all really well! I couldn't have asked for anything better! I think she was pretty tired when we got back to Lincoln on Monday, were the rest of us!
Here she is with her Auntie Jess right before the fireworks! She handled those so well. She fell asleep in my arms about 5 minutes before they started, and she stayed sound asleep for the duration of the show. She didn't even wake up when I put her back in her car seat to head back out to the farm. She was spent!
I hope everyone had a great 4th! Now, we're right in the middle of another busy week! We have the big baptism this Sunday!
Friday, July 2, 2010
Delaney's 3 month Pictures
Check out this video of Delaney's 3 Month pictures! They turned out pretty good even though she didn't feel like smiling that night! Enjoy!
Delaney 3 months
Delaney 3 months
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