Our primary objective these days is making sure Delaney is getting enough to eat. Since she was so tiny to start with, any weight loss is concerning. The good news is last week we bottomed out at 5 pounds 3 ounces on Wednesday, but turned the corner Thursday. We were back up to 5 pounds 7 ounces by Friday. We have another appointment on Wednesday, so we'll see where we are now but I'm guessing we're closing in on our starting point her birth weight of 5 pounds 12 ounces. I can see a difference in her as well. Her little cheeks are fuller and it looks like the preemie clothes will be outgrown very soon, as she's a lankly little thing.
We've been blessed with great family and friends over the last two weeks! We have had people do everything from cooking and cleaning for us to dog sitting. ALL of our parents and siblings have gone above & beyond the call of duty here making our transition into a family so much easier! We are truly blessed!
I think I'm healing fairly well. I have managed without the high-powered painkillers for a few days now, so I think that's a step in the right direction. I'm getting around a little faster every day with far less twinges of pain with each movement. I'd imagine in a few weeks I'll be as good as new! Now, if I could just get these CRAZY hormones back in check! Seriously, I'm sure my family is beginning to think I'm absolutely nuts by now! I should buy stock in Kleenex!
Izzy is adjusting to Delaney very well! She is very interested in every little sounds Delaney makes and every little movement! She is a very good big sister, and so far we couldn't have asked for a better reaction from her! I can't wait to see these two become best friends in the coming years!
Well, it's about time to feed Delaney! I'll leave you a few of the latest pics below!
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