Last week, we celebrated Halloween with several fun activities for the kiddos. Enjoy the pictures! Delaney was SOOOOOO excited all week...I can't imagine what she'll be like at Christmas. Like almost every other little girl ages 2-10, Delaney wanted to be Elsa from the moment she saw Frozen. Since Cooper doesn't really care yet, we decided he'd be Olaf to match. I'm sure I'll only get away with the themed costumes for a few years, so I better take advantage of it while I can.
We started out the week with our annual trip to Boo at the Zoo at the Lincoln Children's Zoo. We had to skip last year because Delaney got so sick the week of Halloween, so we were excited to go back. It was Cooper's first time at Boo at the Zoo too! He liked the people watching! |
Here's Cooper hanging out as Olaf after Boo at the Zoo! He's so busy these days, I didn't really get a good picture of him in his costume. Bummer! |
The next activity was Pumpkin Carving! Delaney was hesitant to "dig in", but once she overcame her fear she was all in! |
After it was all cleaned out, we busted out the power tools to create the perfect Polka Dot Pumpkin. For future reference, all power-tool pumpkin carving needs to be done outside.. There were pumpkin guts flying everywhere!

Here's Papa Farm's Giant Pumpkin all carved with holes! Delaney loved her Polka Dot Pumpkin! |
Finally, Friday arrived and it was time for the Halloween Party at Holly's (daycare). Holly invited another daycare friend over with her kids, so this group is a little bigger than normal.
Delaney's friend Cecilia was Anna from Frozen, so here's the Frozen group. Cooper would only tolerate his hat, and wouldn't stay put for a picture! HA! |
After work, it was time to Trick or Treating! Here's Delaney, AKA Elsa, all dressed and ready to go brave the frigid temperatures! Our sweet neighbor friend, Greyson (who's 9) invited Delaney to trick or treat with him and his friend! It was so nice of him to include her. They really have a brother/sister relationship! Delaney was so excited to go with the big boys (and the dad's)!
Here's Elsa and her bodyguards. Greyson (zombie WWII soldier) is on the right, and his sweet friend Justin (Call of Duty Ghost) is on the left. They were so nice to little Delaney! What good boys! |
Here are our beautiful babies all dressed up! We had a ball with Halloween this year! I hope you all did too! |
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