Christmas 2014 was a success! We had many celebrations, saw lots of relatives, and survived! Here are a few pictures and highlights!
We knew we would be traveling for Christmas, so we celebrated with the kids a few days early at home. They each had 2 packages to open under the tree at home. Of course, Delaney was less than impressed with her book and clothes. This has been noted for reference next year! |
Here are the kids all dressed up before Christmas Eve Mass! Church was a workout with the kids, but overall they behaved pretty well considering how close it was to normal dinner time! |
The annual family Christmas photo! Notice all the packages under the tree...Grandma Tekamah went a little crazy! |
Here are all the Bryant cousins on Christmas Eve! Chase is 3.5 and Parker is almost 9 months. He is bigger than his older cousin Cooper! Next year will be a little nuts when these two join the other crazies running around! |
Here are the Mencke cousins on Christmas Day! Sydney is now in middle school and almost 12, Jaiden is 10, and Tyler just turned 9. I can't believe how grown up they suddenly are! |
A little collage I put together of some of the festivities! |
A big treat of the weekend was the First Annual "Friends that are Family" Bryant/Olson family dinner! Everyone, but Chip and Lauren, were able to attend. It was Nick M.'s idea, and I think an annual tradition has been born! We will just have to rotate Christmas and Thanksgiving holidays to get everyone home at the same time! The Olsons and the Bryants have been family for ever, and now that Jessica & Abby married the Mathistad brothers we are family! |
Here are the kids with their great grandparents! I never knew mine, so we try to take advantage of any time we can visit with them. Grandpa is 90, and Grandma is 87. They are still living at home and doing well! |
We have been home since Sunday, and I'm still in the process of putting away all of the new stuff! SPOILED KIDS! (And parents!) We have started a big purging process. Delaney is enjoying the thought of donating some of her things to another "little girl". Out with the old, in with the new! We had a great Christmas with all of our family full of lots of laughs, wonderful food, safe travels, and health! So much to celebrate!
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