We had a good Memorial Day weekend full of friends, family, parties, & fun! So much fun, in fact, that I didn't take ONE, single picture! I'm getting pretty bad about that! All of these pictures are of the last few weeks from my phone.
Saturday night, Craig & I had our 10 year High School Reunion. We had about half of our classmates show up, so it was fun to catch up with some of them. It's pretty crazy to think how many of us live within about 100 miles of Tekamah, and we haven't seen some of them since the day we graduated. Two of my favorite people on the planet conspired against me at the party, and I ended up having a little bit (WAY) too much fun! I sure paid for it on Sunday! In fact, I'm still exhausted and half a headache...
Sunday we celebrated Chase's 1st birthday with a Monster themed party! In my hungover state, I didn't document it at all, but it was a lot of fun! Lots of family, great food, and lots of laughs! Delaney had a great time, and Chase hung in there pretty well for going on no nap! He was pretty timid with his little Monster cake, and he got bored with his gifts after about two of them. His favorite thing was the tissue paper in the gift bags! He is a full-time walker now, and he's very curious so they will have a busy summer of chasing him around ahead of them. Poor little guy had tubes put in his ears on Tuesday morning. He made it in and out of surgery without any trouble, so let's hope he's done with those pesky ear infections!
We made it back home late Sunday afternoon, and walked into the sauna that was our house. When we got home it was 85 degrees in there, and the AC was running. It didn't take Craig longer than about 20 seconds to realize we had a big problem. Given that the AC unit is 13 years old, we figured it was toast and braced for the worse. Since it was Sunday night of a holiday weekend, we had to tough it out for a couple days. We all took cold showers before bedtime, ran every fan we had, and slept with as many windows open as we could. When you have a freight train track in the backyard, this is a major challenge. The good news is that it was just some small piece that was bad, and it was really dirty so after a few replacements and a good thorough cleaning we are back up & running! A couple hours of work and $300 later we are comfortable once again! (We were expecting to have to put in a whole new AC, which would have been around $3000 so to say we were thankful is a major understatement!)
Monday we tried to stay out of our house as much as we could as it was HOTT in there! We had a picnic at the park, and D got in some serious playtime at the playground. She settled in for a long nap Monday afternoon before we grilled some dinner with Uncle Chip & Aunt Lauren! I did manage to get all our laundry done, so that was a success!
Delaney wanted a picture with her Elmo! That girl LOVES Elmo! |
A couple weeks ago we checked out Pioneers Park for a while. Delaney got up close & personal with some geese! Of course, she loved it! I'm sure we'll be making another trip out there soon with proper geese-feeding supplies! |
Little Miss D is becoming quite the challenging grocery shopping companion. She doesn't like riding in the cart much anymore, and she likes to help with everything...including pushing the cart... |
This is what a 3 1/2 hour nap does for Delaney! One happy girl! |
Delaney has developed an infatuation with watering plants. She loves to help, even if she waters more mulch than plants! Izzy makes a good supervisor! |
She's very independent with pretty much everything these days. She climbs up into the carseat by herself and buckles herself in. After I tighten her up, she'll tell me if she wants to wear her sunglasses or if she wants her window or the moon roof open or closed. Very bossy, this one! |
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