We had a great holiday weekend! It was full of all my favorite things...family, food, and shopping! Delaney was thoroughly spoiled by all of her grandparents & aunts & uncles. We definitely had some reprogramming to do when we got home. She had over her normal share of "time outs" on Sunday. She was CRAZY! Hilarious, but oh so naughty. I didn't do the greatest job with pictures over the weekend, but here are a few to share! 
We kicked off the long weekend right, and celebrated my baby brother Chip's 21st birthday. His birthday was technically on Thanksgiving, so we took him to our hometown bar at 12:00A.M. Thursday morning. I'm getting too old for that, but it was a lot of fun to celebrate with him and see some old friends.
My baby sister had quite a bit of fun that night too. Here she is with one of her long time friends, Abby! Abby happens to be the little sister to my best friend Amanda! It's so much fun when we can all get together like when we were kids. I will apologize now for the hideous nostril self portrait...eww!)
We did get so spend some quality time with our families over the weekend. I promise we spent equal time with both sides, but I have no proof of the Menckes this weekend. We had professional pictures take with them on Saturday. After pictures, I got schooled twice my our nieces Sydney & Jaiden in UNO. I hadn't played in years, and it showed!
Papa was getting a little too cozy with cousin Chase, so Delaney strategically placed herself between Chase and "HER" Papa. It was pretty cute. Luckily, Chase didn't seem to mind sharing...
Delaney is pretty cute with her baby cousin. She was pretty infatuated with him,and has been talking about him nonstop since we got home. It's going to be so fun watching these two grow up together.
Isn't he adorable?!? I swear this kid is always smiling. Even when he's having a rough day, and not feeling the best he's still smiling! I wish I could see him more often!
He had to model the new hat his Momma got for his upcoming 6 month pictures. Isn't he cute! I had my first little "miss the baby stage, let's have another one moment" after I fed Chase his bedtime bottle. He finished in and nuzzled into my shoulder to cuddle. I miss that soo much! We won't be having another baby soon, but for the first time I missed having a little, little one. Within the next year, we 'll talk about it!