Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Easter 2012

We celebrated Easter with all our wonderful family, delicious food, and tons of fun!  Delaney was far more into the activities this year, which was really fun to see! 

We started the festivities Saturday morning by going with Chase to the kids first Easter Egg Hunt!  Chase was so proud of his little blue egg!

Delaney caught on to the concept pretty quickly and gathered up three little orange one, a purple one, and a pink one!  She was also very proud of her eggs!

It was soooo windy on Saturday, that we didn't get the greatest pictures!  We are going for the wind blown look!

Here's Chase and his Momma.  I don't think he put the egg down until lunch time! 

We introduced the kids to the Easter Bunny after the egg hunt.  Chase was infatuated!  He wouldn't look away!

Delaney on the other hand wanted nothing to do with the Easter Bunny!  Get me out of here Mom!

Saturday afternoon had a very special Easter Egg hunt all her own at Grandma & Grandpa Mencke's farm!

Papa Steve helped her spot some of the eggs!
She LOVED running around hunting eggs!

I think Grandma Jaccie had just as much fun as Delaney did! 

Even better after she found all the eggs, she dumped out all the eggs and started over again.  Hiding & finding all on her own!

Then she had a little play time with Daddy!  This girl loves to "fly"!
Sunday morning we were up early for church!  Delaney did extremely well during Mass.  She only caused a couple scenes and many laughs and snickers from our fellow church-goers!

We played with Chase for a while after church before the rest of the family arrived!

Here's Chase showing his "walking" skills with Uncle Chip!  He'll be running by his birthday in May!

This is the best picture I could get of the two kids.  She sat still next to each other for all of 15 seconds! 

Delaney "opened" her Easter basket after church too!  She got some new PJs, bubbles, books, and goldfish crackers!

Izzy was exhausted after all the egg hunting at the farm! 

Isn't he adorable!  I love that kid!
By the end of the afternoon, Delaney was pretty exhausted too.  She spent a lot of the time cuddled up with Papa before we headed back South!  She also zonked out the entire way home!
So, as you can see we had a fun-filled weekend!  The holidays keep getting better and better now that Delaney is more aware of what is happening.  She is starting to figure out how to "perform" for the extended family members, and she put on quite a show for them on Sunday!  It's Wednesday, and we are just finally to feel rested up again!  I've been getting the dreaded, "you look tired" comments all week; which we all know means "you look like crap".  Ouch!  Hope you all had a wonderful holiday!  Now, it's time for some R&R!

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