Monday, December 19, 2011

Christmas in Kansas City!

We celebrated an early Christmas in Kansas City this past weekend with the Bryant family!  It all started back when the 2011-2012 NFL schedule came out and we discovered that our two teams would meet head-to-head this season.  We gambled with the Midwest December weather and bought the tickets.  The trip then evolved into the Bryant family Christmas.  Jess & Nick were kind enough to volunteer for child duty, so the rest of us could go to the game.  (Thanks guys, we owe you one!)  I took full advantage of the opportunity to try out my new camera, so here are a few of our favorites...
We thought the kids looks cute in their matching blue PJs, but of course neither of them wanted their pictures taken.  They wanted to party!
 Saturday morning we decided to take the kids to see Santa Claus.  As you can tell, D wasn't too keen on the thought of sitting on Santa's lap, but Chase was pretty much in awe of him! 
 After some lunch, shopping, and naps the kids wanted to go swimming.  It was Chase's first time in a pool, and just like his Momma's he was a little fish.  Delaney even demonstrated a few of her swimming skills for the bunch!

 After a yummy dinner Saturday night, we opened a few gifts!  Of course, both the kiddos were spoiled!  Delaney didn't quite understand that some gifts were hers and some were Chase's.  We will still have to work on sharing!
 Waiting patiently for Daddy to open her new Elmo toy.  Coincidentally enough, we had just watched Sesame Street and Delaney fell in love with Elmo instantly and Papa showed up with a very special Sesame Street toy for Delaney.  What perfect timing!
 I love this face!  Isn't he so cute?!?  He looks so much like his Dad most of the time, but once in a while we can see Jess in there too!

 Obviously, the game didn't turned out like I hoped but it was a great time nonetheless!  We did a little last minute tailgating!  The weather was better than we could have hoped for!  It was mid-fifties by kickoff and sunny!
 Oh, I almost forgot...these two got engaged last Thursday!  They are planning a Spring 2014 wedding after they both graduate. 
 Aren't they cute!  Even though our team lost, I think we all agreed it was a good time!
 Here's my favorite "game" picture.  Mason Crosby warming up!  Gotta love the new zoom lens!
This picture was just for Craig...
 Great flyover!  This was a lucky shot.  I just tipped the camera up mid-national anthem into the sun and snapped this.  Not too shabby!

 This picture pretty much sums up the game...Craig's ecstatic...the rest of us...not so much!

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